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MOPPH006 |
Longitudinal Wake Field for an Electron Beam Accelerated through a Ultra-High Field Gradient
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- E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, M. V. Yurkov, G. Geloni
DESY, Hamburg
Electron accelerators with higher longitudinal field gradients can produce high-energy beams with compact, cheap setups. Laser-plasma acceleration appears to constitute the more promising breakthrough in this direction, delivering field gradients up to TV/m. Here we describe the impact of longitudinal wake fields on the electron beam, based on solution of Maxwell's equations for the longitudinal field. We consider an acceleration distance much smaller than the overtaking length (the length that electrons travel as a light signal from the tail of the bunch overtakes the head of the bunch), that is the case for laser-plasma devices. We give expressions for impedance and wake function that may be evaluated numerically. We show that the rate of energy loss in the bunch due to radiative interaction is equal to that of coherently radiated energy in the far-zone. A limiting expression is found for a large distance of the electron beam from the accelerator compared with the overtaking length. We derive analytical solutions for a Gaussian transverse and longitudinal bunch shape. We apply our analytical asymptote by studying the feasibility of a Table-Top FEL based on laser-plasma driver. Numerical estimations indicate that the effects of the time-dependent energy change induced by the longitudinal wake pose a serious threat to the operation of this device. (See DESY 06-222)
MOPPH007 |
Theory of Nonlinear Harmonic Generation in Free-Electron Lasers with Helical Wigglers
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- E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, M. V. Yurkov, G. Geloni
DESY, Hamburg
Coherent Harmonic Generation (CHG), and in particular Nonlinear Harmonic Generation (NHG), is of importance for both short wavelength Free-Electron Lasers (FELs), in relation with the achievement of shorter wavelengths with a fixed electron-beam energy, and high-average power FEL resonators, in relation with destructive effects of higher harmonics radiation on mirrors. In this paper we present a treatment of NHG from helical wigglers with particular emphasis on the second harmonic. Our study is based on an exact analytical solution of Maxwell's equations, derived with the help of a Green's function method. In particular, we demonstrate that nonlinear harmonic generation (NHG) from helical wigglers vanishes on axis. Our conclusion is in open contrast with results in literature, that include a kinematical mistake in the description of the electron motion. (See DESY 07-058)
MOPPH009 |
Undulator Radiation in a Waveguide
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- E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, M. V. Yurkov, G. Geloni
DESY, Hamburg
We propose an analytical approach to characterize undulator radiation near resonance, when the presence of the vacuum-pipe considerably affects radiation properties. This is the case of the far-infrared undulator beamline at the Free-electron LASer (FEL) in Hamburg (FLASH), that is designed to deliver pulses in the TeraHertz (THz) range. This undulator can be used for pump-probe experiments where THz pulses are naturally synchronized to the VUV pulse from the FEL, as well as the development of novel electron-beam diagnostics techniques. Since the THz radiation diffraction-size exceeds the vacuum-chamber dimensions, characterization of infrared radiation must be performed accounting for the presence of a waveguide. We developed a theory of undulator radiation in a waveguide based on paraxial and resonance approximation. We solved the field equation with a tensor Green's function technique, and extracted figure of merits describing in a simple way the influence of the vacuum-pipe on the radiation pulse as a function of the problem parameters. Our theory, that makes consistent use of dimensionless analysis, allows treatment and physical understanding of many asymptotes of the parameter space, together with their region of applicability. (See DESY 07-031)
Impact of Longitudinal Space-charge Wake from FEL Undulators on Current-enhanced SASE Schemes
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- E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, M. V. Yurkov, G. Geloni
DESY, Hamburg
In this article we present a description of longitudinal wake fields in X-ray Free-Electron Lasers (XFELs) that is of relevance in relation with Enhanced Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ESASE) schemes. We consider wakes in XFELs, in the limit when the electron beam has gone inside the undulator for a distance longer than the overtaking length (the length that electrons travel as a light signal from the tail of the bunch overtakes the head of the bunch). We find that the magnitude of the resulting energy chirp constitutes a reason of concern for the practical realization of ESASE schemes.