FEL 2005 logo Conference Dates: August 21-26, 2005 Ginter photo 1 Ginter photo 2 Ginter photo 3


The 27th International Conference on Free Electron Lasers, FEL2005, was held from August 21-26, 2005, at the Arrillaga Alumni Center at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. The conference attracted 302 registered participants from 20 countries, presenting 26 invited oral contributions, 28 contributed oral talks and 167 posters. We are pleased to provide this CD that contains 171 papers submitted for publication. This is the first time that a hard copy will not be issued. The proceedings are published online at the Joint Accelerator Conference Website (JACoW) and at the SLAC eConf Archive.

Following the tradition of previous conferences, a broad spectrum of topics was covered: high gain, single-pass FELs; high average power, long wavelength FELs; FEL oscillators and storage ring FELs; and technology advances related to accelerators, undulators, high brightness electron guns, diagnostics and detectors. A number of contributions were devoted to recent developments of X-ray FELs and potential future applications. The FEL community was engaged in lively discussions both at the oral sessions and during the poster sessions. Dr. Z. Huang from the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center gave a much appreciated lecture in memory of the late Dr. Ming Xie who over the years contributed most significantly to the advancement of the FEL field.

This year’s FEL prize was awarded to Professor Avraham (Avi) Gover from the Tel-Aviv University for his pioneering work in laying the foundation to FEL theory. Among other things, the Prize Committee said “he made important contributions to the formulation of a unified theory of superradiant emission in the linear and, more recently, also in the non-linear regime. His deep understanding of the field enabled him to propose conceptually new schemes like stimulated superradiance and post-saturation emission enhancement.”

We are grateful for the financial support from the Advanced Photon Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Linac Coherent Light Source, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and the University of California at Los Angeles. An important aspect of the conference was the vendor exhibits from leading instrument makers. Their financial contributions made it possible to offer a number of student fellowships making it possible for these young scientists to attend the conference.

The conference program was organized most ably by Professor Claudio Pellegrini. We are most grateful to him and the members of the Program Committee for composing the very interesting scientific program. The logistics of the conference were carefully planned and flawlessly executed by Stephanie Carlson, Helen O’Donnell and Ann Mueller who were assisted by many other staff members from the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory. The success of the conference would not have been possible without their tremendous support and dedication.

The conference proceedings were edited by Dr Heinz-Dieter Nuhn with most professional and efficient assistance from Rebecca Reitmeyer, both from the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The fast publication of the proceedings is solely thanks to their great effort.

The International Executive Committee has decided that the next FEL conference, FEL2006, will be held in Berlin August 27-September 1, with BESSY as the host. We look forward to meeting you at FEL2006.

John Galayda, Co-chair
Ingolf Lindau, Co-chair

SLAC, December 9, 2005

SLAC-R-791 | eConf C0508213

This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515.

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