ACCEL Instruments
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 1
D-51429 Bergisch Gladbach
Phone: +49 2204 84 2590
e-mail: stein@accel.de
URL: http://www.accel.de
ACCEL Instruments GmbH is a specialized engineering and manufacturing company for custom designed systems and components for research, industrial and medical applications worldwide. ACCEL's technical strength is based on its experienced staff of more than 100 physicists and engineers and about 150 manufacturing specialists as well as a dedicated fabrication and assembly area of some 10,000 m2. During the last 20 years numerous challenging development and manufacturing contracts with national and international universities and research institutions have been accomplished.
Since ACCEL is an R&D-oriented company which handles each new task with a dedicated project team of experts it is the ideal partner for product definition, collaborative development, prototyping, and production as well as service after sales.
Advanced Design
Consulting, Inc.
126 Ridge Rd. PO Box 187
Lansing, NY 14882
Phone: +1 607-533-3531
Fax: +1 607-533-3618
e-mail: alex@adc9001.com
URL: http://www.adc9001.com
ADC, Inc. manages, designs and manufactures complete front ends and beamlines, optical tables, beam shutters, beam stops, monochromators, ion chambers, x-ray furnaces, UHV vessels, slits, small precision jacks, spectrometers, cryogenic systems, beam transport pipes, beryllium window assemblies, copper flair chambers and mirror systems. Our assistance includes overall project management, ray tracing, mechanical and instrumentation design, manufacturing, assembly and testing, commissioning and training.
Advanced Energy Systems
P.O. Box 7455
Princeton, NJ 08543-7455
Phone: +1 609-514-0316
Fax: +1 609-514-0318
e-mail: alan_todd@mail.aesys.net
URL: http://www.aesys.net
Advanced Energy Systems (AES) markets advanced radiation sources based on high-brightness electron accelerator technology. Specific products include: Free Electron Lasers (FEL), High-Power Microwaves (HPM), TeraHertz (THz) Sources and Tunable, Monochromatic X-Ray Sources. While specializing in the design and manufacture of Photocathode Injectors and Superconducting RF (SRF) Accelerators, Normal-Conducting Accelerators, Beam and Optical Transport Systems are also offered, either as individual components or packaged in turnkey systems.
811 Hansen Way
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Phone: +1 650-594-4089
Fax: +1 650-592-9988
e-mail: linda.dilorenzo@cpii.com
URL: http://www.cpii.com
CPI is a world leader in the design and manufacture of high power klystrons, IOTs, triodes, tetrodes, TWTs and uplink amplifiers and systems for satellite communications. CPI products cover the spectrum from AM/FM/SW radio and UHF digital television to microwave frequencies at KU band and above.
955 Industrial Road
San Carlos, CA 94070
Phone: +1 650-802-8292
Fax: +1 650-802-8298
e-mail: ian@gmw.com
URL: http://www.gmw.com
Magnetic field measuement instrumentation for precision mapping and sensor calibration including: Three-component Fluxgates for environmental field monitoring and correction, Hall effect Transducers with one- and three-component output, high-resolution Digital Hall Teslameters, NMR teslameters for calibration, Digital Integrators for mapping and permanent magnet characterization. Laboratory Electromagnet and Power Supply Systems for sensor calibration. Current Transducers and Electromagnet Power Supplies. Charged particle Beam Diagnostics, Current and Charge Transformers.
ISA Corporation
6780 Sierra Court, Suite R
Dublin, CA 94568
Phone: +1 925-833-3755
Fax: +1 925-833-3707
e-mail: tzante@isa-corporation.com
URL: http://www.isa-corporation.com
The ISA Corporation team has been designing and building commercial and customized scientific equipment and instrumentation for laboratories and industry for over 30 years. This equipment includes high vacuum beamline structures, diagnostic equipment, x-ray targets, beam windows, vacuum chambers, chamber alignment and positioning systems, accelerator test equipment, and temperature control systems. ISA can design and build other major accelerator equipment including klystron modulators and electron guns in accordance with customer specifications. ISA also provides engineering and design services to the laboratories and for all of the above products.
Kohzu America, Inc.
5674 Stoneridge Dr. Ste 202
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Phone: +1 925-460-1350
Fax: +1 925-460-5050
e-mail: accounts@kohzuamerica.com
URL: http://www.kohzuamerica.com
Kohzu's sophisticated precision motion instruments have been at the heart of Japan's industrial and scientific community for over five decades.
We offer a comprehensive line of rotary, linear and swivel-arc stages capable of sub-micron accuracy. Our motion instruments have high moment-load stiffness and rigidity making them ideal for the most demanding positioning applications.
Custom-made instruments keep us at the forefront of scientific inquiry, nurturing partnerships with customers and a constant desire to respond to new challenges with precise solutions.
Kurt J. Lesker
PO Box 951677
Cleveland, OH 44193
Phone: +1 800-245-1656 (USA Sales)
Phone: +1 412-387-9200 (Int'l Sales)
Fax: +1 412-384-2745 (USA Fax)
Fax: +1 412-384-2483 (Int'l Fax)
URL: http://www.lesker.com
The Kurt J. Lesker Company is a leader in the design and manufacturing of vacuum technology solutions for your research and production applications. From the simplest components to intricate chambers and precision computer-controlled deposition systems, we work with you to devise sound, economical solutions for all of your vacuum technology needs.
America, Inc.
500 E. Remington Rd, Suite 106
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Phone: +1 847-519-1100
Fax: +1 847-519-1180
e-mail: tfuku@neomaxamerica.com
URL: http://www.neomax.co.jp/english/index_e.html
Undulators for synchrotrons: Undulators are an essential component for the generation of synchrotron radiation. A product of its NEOMAX technology and its sophisticated magnetic circuit design, The NEOMAX Group's undulators produce a powerful period magnetic field, through which the electron beam is passed to generate synchrotron radiation. The extremely high intensity and directivity of the synchrotron radiation generated by systems with The NEOMAX Group's undulators, have led to their application in a range of advanced research and development facilities, including the massive SPring-8 synchrotron in Harima Science City.
1347 Main Street
Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: +1 781-647-3581
Fax: +1 781-647-3526
URL: http://www.phytron.com
Established in 1947, Phytron manufactures high precision stepping motors, linear, rotary, and goniometer positioning systems widely used in the optical and research industries as well as in vacuum, cryogenic, radiation and space environments.
320 Martin Ave, #C
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Phone: +1 408-933-8161
Fax: +1 408-988-2206
e-mail: eng@vacuumparts.net
URL: http://www.vacuumparts.net
Vacuum hardware, manipulators, synchroton shutters, monochrometers etc, oil free vacuum roughing pumps, turbomolecular pumps.
Vacuum Generators, Inc.
235 Main Street
Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: +1 925-249-0204
Fax: +1 925-249-1024
e-mail: nick.samiotes@vacgen.com
URL: http://www.vacgen.com
Vacuum Generators has more than forty years experience in the design, manufacture and supply of equipment for HV and UHV applications. This includes design and manufacture of custom 304 or 316SS & Mu Metal vacuum chambers, linear translators and XYZ manipulator, cryostats, the SoftShut gate valve series, all-metal angle and leak valves and vacuums flanges, feedthroughs & viewports.