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MOCO-C01 |
The Bio-Nano-ECRIS Project: A New ECR Ion Source at Toyo University to Produce Endohedral Fullerenes
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- T. Uchida, H. Minezaki, Y. Yoshida
Toyo University, Kawagoe-shi, Saitama
- T. Asaji, K. Tanaka
Tateyama Machine Co. Ltd., Toyama-shi
- S. Biri
ATOMKI, Debrecen
- Y. Kato
Osaka University, Suita
- A. Kitagawa, M. Muramatsu
NIRS, Chiba-shi
We are developing a new ECRIS for the synthesis of endohedral fullerenes, which have potential in medical care, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. So this ion source is temporarily called Bio-Nano ECRIS. Iron-encapsulated fullerene can be applied as a contrast material for magnetic resonance imaging. Thus, we aim the production of Fe@Cnn using the Bio-Nano ECRIS. It has been reported that ions of fullerenes and carbons-loss fullerenes, such as (C60)+, (C58)+,
, are easily produced in ECRISs. Such carbons-loss fullerenes might have an advantage for the mass production of endohedral metallofullerenes because of their less stability. The Bio-Nano ECRIS is designed for the mass production of endohedral fullerenes. A fullerenes sublimation oven and a large-diameter (φ=140mm) chamber are equipped. In a second phase an iron oven will be also installed to make iron-fullerene plasma. In this paper, the recent results will be presented; i) a design concept of the Bio-Nano ECRIS, ii) a preliminary study on the production of fullerene ions and carbons-loss fullerenes with the assistance of base gas plasmas, iii) interactions between the fullerenes plasma and the base gas plasma.
MOCO-C05 |
Development of ECR high purity liners for reducing K contamination for AMS studies of 39Ar
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- C. J. Schmitt, M. Bowers, P. Collon, D. Robertson
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame
- F. Calaprice, C. Galbiati
PU, Princeton, New Jersey
- D. Henderson, C. L. Jiang, R. C. Pardo, E. Rehm, R. H. Scott, R. C. Vondrasek
ANL, Argonne, Illinois
- W. Kutschera
VERA, Wien
- M. Paul
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Racah Institute of Physics, Jerusalem
The first application of 39Ar AMS at the ATLAS linac of Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) to date ocean water samples relevant to oceanographic studies using the gas-filled magnet technique to separate the 39K-39Ar isobars was most successful and has been reported on. In particular the use of a quartz liner in the plasma chamber of the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source enabled a 39K reduction of a factor ~100 compared to previous runs without liners and allowed for our current lowest detection limit of 39Ar/Ar = 4.2x10-17. We are currently working on improving the AMS method for 39Ar by following two development paths to allow for higher beam currents while lowering 39K rates. The first option is to modify the design of the quartz liner to provide active water cooling. The second option is to evaporate high purity aluminum directly on the surface of the water-cooled ion source chamber. The overall driving force for AMS is to search for a source of argon that has a low concentration of 39Ar. Such a source of argon would be useful for new liquid argon detectors that are being developed for detecting dark matter WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles).
MOPO-20 |
High Intensity Helium Beam at CEA/Saclay
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- R. Gobin, O. Delferriere, F. Harrault, B. Pottin, O. Tuske
CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette
The Spiral 2 injector will be first built, installed and tested at CEA Saclay before its transfer to Caen. The RFQ has been designed to accelerate different particles: protons, deuterons and q/A = 1/3 heavy ions. The A-Phoenix ion source developed and tested at LPSC Grenoble will be directly transferred to Ganil. So to test the q/A = 1/3 ions acceleration with the RFQ built at Saclay, the light ion ECR source has been thought capable to produce 3He+ ions. Moreover, high intensity 3He ion beam accelerator applications are possible in other domains such as astrophysics or neutrino factory. The SILHI source has been fed with natural helium (4He) gas for several hours. Beam intensity as high as 20 mA (870 Am-2 through 4.8 mm diameter aperture) has been extracted from the source with 85 keV energy. Extensive experiments will be done with the 9 mm diameter nominal plasma electrode to characterize the He+ extracted beam. With the same extracted beam density, total beam intensity in the range of 100 mA seems reachable. In addition, simulations of the beam extraction will be done to estimate possible electrode modifications in order to improve the beam transport.
TUCO-D02 |
Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating in a Plateau-ECRIS
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- M. Kahnt, B. Albers, L. Hupe, L. Nowack, H. W. Ortjohann
Institut fur Kernphysik, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, Munster
- J. H. Andrä
Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universität Muenster, Muenster
It is shown why static or low frequency electric fields perpendicular to the magnetic field can penetrate into a magnetized plasma of high density. A configuration of electrodes is chosen for the application of radio-frequency electric fields to heat by ion-cyclotron-resonance (ICR) Ar(q+)-, H-, and He-ions in PECRIS V with a magnetic plateau and a great resonance volume. It is shown that all ions ICR-heated in this resonance volume gain rotational energy E(rot) and stay thus better confined leading to a drop so that their extracted currents. E(rot) of these ions thermalizes while they are further ionized by electron collisions so that the extracted currents of Ar((q+n)+)-ions do show a considerable increase with 2<n<7. The extracted currents of the two ICR-heated light ions do show only drops which will be discussed in detail. As proof of their gain of E(rot) the energy gain of extracted He-ions has been measured. The ICR-heating of multi-charged ions may thus be a technique to considerably improve the currents of the highest charge states.