Paper | Title | Page |
MOO1LR01 |
Welcome Address | |
given by Thomas Glasmacher | ||
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Slides MOO1LR01 [2.313 MB] | |
MOXLR01 | The High Luminosity Challenge: Potential and Limitations of High-Intensity High-Brightness Beams in the LHC and its Injectors | 1 |
Funding: Research supported by EU FP7 HiLumi LHC - Grant Agreement 284404 and by DOE via the US-LARP program. High-intensity and high-brightness beams are key ingredients to maximize the integrated luminosity of the LHC and exploit its full potential. This contribution will describe the optimization of the beam and machine parameters to maximize the integrated luminosity for the LHC experiments, by taking into account the expected intensity and brightness reach of the LHC and its injector chain and the capabilities of the detectors for the next run and foreseen upgrade scenarios. |
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Slides MOXLR01 [2.574 MB] | |
MOXLR02 | Lessons from 1-MW Proton RCS Beam Tuning | 6 |
The J-PARC 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) is the world's highest class of high-power pulsed proton driver aiming at 1 MW output beam power. In the last summer shutdown of 2013, the injection energy from the linac was upgraded from 181 MeV to the design value of 400 MeV. In addition, in this summer shutdown of 2014, the maximum peak current of the injection beam will be increased from 30 mA to the design value of 50 mA. In October 2014 after completing these series of linac upgrades, we are to start the final stage of beam tuning toward the design output beam power of 1 MW. The most important issues in realizing such a high power 1 MW beam operation are control and minimization of beam loss. This talk will present 1 MW beam tuning results with particular emphasis on our approach to beam loss issues. | ||
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Slides MOXLR02 [3.715 MB] | |
High Intensity Frontier Proton Accelerators | |
High-intensity proton accelerators are vital tools for basic science, including nuclear physics, particle physics and materials science. The development of hadron beam technology and the demand for beams of ever-increasing intensity and power is driven not only by the needs of basic science, but increasingly also by the application of hadron beams in areas beyond basic science. Tomorrow’s high power hadron accelerators will be applied for the development of new materials for fission and fusion reactors, for exploring and perhaps generating electrical power from fusion energy, and for helping to solve problems in the nuclear fuel cycle. Achieving the extremely demanding beam intensities and beam powers of tomorrow’s frontier proton accelerators requires extending the state-of-the-art in accelerator technology and in our understanding of the fundamental physics of beams. The landscape of high intensity proton accelerators in the past, present and future will be described, and the technological and accelerator physics challenges that must be met will be summarized. | ||
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Slides MOXLR03 [7.012 MB] | |
Beam Dynamics Issues at the High Luminosity Polarized Collider RHIC | |
Beam and spin dynamics issues of the first and only high luminosity polarized proton collider, RHIC, will be discussed. Opportunities to increase the beam polarization at the full energy of 255 GeV and to reach luminosities at the burn-off limit will also be presented. | ||
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Slides MOYLR04 [3.941 MB] | |
Beam Physics and Technology Challenge for Multi-MW CW Proton Linac | |
Multi-MW CW proton linac has found significant applications in particle physics research, nuclear physics research and various neutron sources such as ADS. However, currently there has not been any MW-level CW proton linac in routine operation due to beam physics challenge and technology challenge although a lot of R&D activities have being conducted worldwide in the last decades. Taking 15 MW@10 mA ADS proton linac as a design example, this talk will address the key points of the beam physics challenge would be space charge with strong nonlinear repulsive forces, beam halo match and beam instability. Beam dynamics simulation and beam optimization through computer codes with at least 100000 reference particles have become significant to validate the beam dynamics design and keep the uncontrolled beam losses below 1 W/m. We must also take up a lot of technology challenges, such as proton source with minimum numbers of beam trip, CW proton RFQ, high gradient SRF cavity, integrated cryomodule with multi-cavities, non-interceptive diagnostics, beam collimation, beam loss detection and control, beam trip mitigation, machine protection and high power beam tuning. | ||
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Slides MOYLR05 [8.690 MB] | |
Beam Dynamics: A Tool for Facility Optimization | |
The ESS top level parameters of 5 MW, 3 ms pulse length and 14 Hz repetition rate are given by user requirements. The choice of 2 GeV, 62.5 mA and 2.87 ms pulse length were chosen at laboratory level and were largely technology driven e.g. the desire to keep beam current sufficiently low to avoid severe space charge issues resulting in the need of parallel front-ends. After the technology choices had been made, the final set of requirements resulting in the ESS 2013 lattice design were derived in an iterative process with cost and beam dynamics issues being the two main parameters. In large, cost was pushed to a minimum with the calculated emittance growth along the linac being used as a quality indicator. The lattice was chosen following standard beam dynamics rules and optimized considering space charge issues, space charge neutralization phenomena, alignment errors, longitudinal field flatness and time stability and magnetic field quality. I will in this presentation review the ESS facility optimization with some focus on cost and robustness and give an overview of the many beam dynamics issues which were considered in this process. | ||
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Slides MOYLR06 [13.327 MB] | |
MOZLR07 | Accelerator Challenges of Hadron Linacs and the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams - Extending High Beam Power from Protons to Heavy Ions | 12 |
Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661 and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY-1102511. During the past decades, linac-based neutron-generating facilities like SNS, J-PARC, and LEDA advanced the frontier of proton beam power by an order of magnitude to 1 MW level. The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) driver linac currently under construction at Michigan State University will advance the frontier of heavy-ion beam power by more than two-order-of-magnitudes to 400 kW. FRIB will accelerate high intensity beams, proton to uranium, up to 200MeV/u. The accelerator system includes many cutting edge technologies that can provide a basis for this talk which will discuss how these current developments may lead to the next generation of very high intensity machines, including looking forward to projects such as the CADS, ESS, IFMIF, SARAF, and SPIRAL2. |
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Slides MOZLR07 [10.202 MB] | |
Heavy Ion Synchrotrons - Beam Dynamics Issues and Dynamic Vacuum Effects | |
Although to a certain extent also used to accelerate heavy ions, most of the existing synchrotrons have been designed and developed for Proton acceleration. There is only a quite small number of synchrotrons which have been optimized for heavy ion operation. In most cases such machines suffer from a missing powerful injector which enables the accumulation of intense heavy ion beams. Therefore, even those few heavy ion synchrotrons are often operated only with light ions and Protons. In general, the missing high injector current for heavy ion synchrotrons requires accumulation and stacking techniques, which make use of a large fraction of the machine acceptance and finally lead to beams with large emittances and filling factors. Such systematic issues and their technical and beam dynamics implications typical for heavy ion synchrotrons will be summarized and presented. | ||
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Slides MOZLR08 [4.123 MB] | |
MOZLR09 | Heavy-ion Cyclotron Gymnastics and Associated Beam Dynamics Issues | 18 |
Isochronous cyclotrons have been indispensable tools of nuclear physics research for nearly 50 years because they are suited to obtain energetic heavy ions with sufficient intensity in spite of its compactness and relatively low construction costs. The heavy-ion cyclotron will be a potential candidate for a driver accelerator in future high-intensity heavy-ion facilities such as the “second-generation” radioactive beam facilities. Success of the heavy-ion cyclotron in the future strongly depends on available beam intensity obtained under moderate construction costs. In my presentation, after a brief introduction of fundamentals related to the heavy-ion cyclotron, several beam-intensity-limiting factors will be discussed for the cyclotron of separate sector type, laying much emphasis on longitudinal space charge effect and its influence on beam extraction. Although the space charge effect strongly depends on ion energy, we will cover the energy range of 0.7 ~ 345 MeV/nucleon based on our experiences on the design studies for and the operation of the ring cyclotrons currently working at RIKEN Radioactive Beam Factory. | ||
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Slides MOZLR09 [7.569 MB] | |
Intensity or Brightness Limitations of Cyclotrons and FFAGs | |
Funding: TRIUMF receives federal funding via a contribution agreement through the National Research Council of Canada. From both simulations and measurements, it is known that at sufficiently high charge per bunch, the bunches in an isochronous cyclotron undergo a vortex effect whose ultimate result is that the bunches reshape into circularly-symmetric distributions in the radial-longitudinal plane. This state cannot exist for arbitrarily high charge since at some point the space charge force will overwhelm the cyclotron's radial magnetic focusing. We apply envelope equation (or ‘‘second moment'') formalism to determine (a) the particle motion frequencies (b) the self-consistent size, or turn width, and (c) the upper limit for the bunch charge for a given size of the bunch. This work is partly a review of work by Sacherer, Kleeven, and Bertrand-Ricaud, and partly a synthesis of those works. Some comparisons are made to published data for the PSI high intensity cyclotrons and new data from the TRIUMF cyclotron. |
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Slides MOZLR10 [1.340 MB] | |