Paper | Title | Page |
WEO4AB01 | Radio Frequency Quadrupole for Landau Damping in Accelerators. Analytical and numerical studies. | 315 |
It is proposed to use a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) to introduce a longitudinal spread of the betatron frequency for Landau damping of transverse beam instabilities in circular accelerators. The existing theory of stability diagrams for Landau damping is applied to the case of an RFQ. As an example, the required quadrupolar strength is calculated for stabilizing the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) beams at 7 TeV. It is shown that this strength can be provided by a superconducting RF device which is only a few meters long. Furthermore, the stabilizing effect of such a device is proven numerically by means of the PyHEADTAIL macroparticle tracking code for the case of a slow head-tail instability observed in the LHC at 3.5 TeV. | ||
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Slides WEO4AB01 [1.991 MB] | |
THO3AB04 | Modeling and Feedback Design Techniques for Controlling Intra-bunch Instabilities at CERN SPS Ring | 399 |
Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract # DE-AC02-76SF00515 and the US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP). The feedback control of intra-bunch instabilities driven by electron-clouds or strong head-tail coupling (transverse mode coupled instabilities TMCI) requires bandwidth sufficient to sense the vertical position and apply multiple corrections within a nanosecond-scale bunch. These requirements impose challenges and limits in the design and implementation of the feedback system. This paper presents model-based design techniques for feedback systems to address the stabilization of the transverse bunch dynamics. These techniques include in the design the effect of noise and signals perturbing the bunch motion. They also include realistic limitations such as bandwidth, nonlinearities in the hardware and maximum power deliverable. Robustness of the system is evaluated as a function of parameter variations of the bunch. |
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Slides THO3AB04 [2.153 MB] | |