Author: Lamy, T.
Paper Title Page
MOCOCK04 Measurement of the Sixty GHz ECR Ion Source using Megawatt Magnets - SEISM Magnetic Field Map 33
  • M. Marie-Jeanne, J. Jacob, T. Lamy, L. Latrasse
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  • F. Debray, J. Matera, R. Pfister, C. Trophime
    GHMFL, Grenoble, France
  LPSC has developed a prototype of 60GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Ion Source called SEISM. The first 60GHz magnetic structure is based on a cusp geometry, using resistive polyhelix coils designed in collaboration with the Intense Magnetic Fields National Laboratory (LNCMI). A dedicated test bench helices coils in their tanks, electrical, and water cooling environment was built to study the mechanics, thermal behaviour and magnetic field characteristics obtained at various current levels. During the last months, measurements were performed for several magnetic configurations, with up to 7000A applied on the injection/extraction coils set. The magnetic field achieved at 13000A is expected to allow 28GHz ECR condition. However, cavitation issues that appeared around 7000A are to be solved before carrying on with the tests. This contribution will recall some of the crucial steps in the prototype fabrication, and show preliminary results from the measurements at 7000A. Possible explanations for the discrepancies observed between the results and the simulation will be given.  
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MOPOT005 High Current Production with 2.45 GHz ECR Ion Source 50
  • A. Coly, T. Lamy, T. Thuillier
    LPSC, Grenoble, France
  • G. Gaubert, A.C.C. Villari
  A new test bench has been installed at LPSC dedicated to 2.45 GHz ECR Ion Sources characterization. Several magnetic structures have been tested around the same plasma cavity. For example, a current density of 70 mA/cm2 has been measured with the MONO1000 source lent by GANIL. An original ECRIS, named SPEED (for 'Source d'ions à aimants PErmanents et Extraction Dipôlaire'), presenting a dipolar magnetic field at the extraction will also be presented.  
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TUCOAK01 First A/Q=3 Beams of Phoenix V2 on the Heavy Ions Low Energy Beam Transport Line of SPIRAL2 75
  • C. Peaucelle
    IN2P3 IPNL, Villeurbanne, France
  • J. Angot, P. Grandemange, T. Lamy, T. Thuillier
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  • J.-L. Biarrotte
    IPN, Orsay, France
  • D. Uriot
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  The heavy ions low energy beam transport line (LEBT) of Spiral2 built at LPSC Grenoble is fully operational since the beginning of 2010. This LEBT has been calculated and designed to hold permanently 15 mA of multicharged ions extracted from the source at 60 kV. PHOENIX V2 ECRIS is presently installed on the LEBT and first tests started few months ago: A reliable beam of 1 mAe of O6+ beam at 45 kV has already been obtained for a long period with a very good transmission, and good reproducibility. Tests continue with an optimization of Ar12+ beam performance. The promising results of these first runs, particularly emittance measurements, profiles and optimization of charge optics will be presented along. The ECRIS Phoenix V2 and different equipments installed on this line (vacuum system, optic elements, diagnostics…) will be described. The future program and planned improvements on the LEBT will be also discussed in this paper.  
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TUCOBK02 “Preglow” Investigation in ECR Discharge at 37 GHz, 100 kW 90
  • V. Skalyga, I. Izotov, S. Razin, V. Sidorov, V. Zorin
    IAP/RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
  • T. Lamy, T. Thuillier
    LPSC, Grenoble, France
  Multicharged ion beams generation in "Preglow" regime is now considered as the main way of short pulsed ion source creation for “Beta Beam” project. The "Preglow" effect has been investigated at a several laboratories (LPSC, JYFL, IAP RAS). The effect was discovered at LPSC on PHOENIX ion source using 18 GHz radiation for plasma heating. Investigations at 14 GHz frequency were made at JYFL. Theoretical analysis demonstrated the advantage of MW frequency increase. Theoretical calculations predict possibility of "Preglow" peaks generation with duration about tens microseconds and rather high average ion charge. At present time at LPSC a joint construction of a new generation ECR ion source with 60 GHz gyrotron plasma heating is running. As a continuation of previous research at 14, 18 and 28 GHz at present work results of experimental and theoretical "Preglow" effect investigations at SMIS 37 setup with 37,5 GHz MW plasma heating are reported. Received data are important as fundamental result in physics of ECRISs and at the same time it is the next step on the way of 60 GHz SEISM facility creation. “Preglow” effect was observed and investigated in experiments with ECR discharge stimulated with gyrotron radiation @ 37.5 GHz, 100 kW. Received dependencies of the “Preglow” parameters are in good correspondence with results of numerical simulations. It was shown in experiments that generation of “Preglow” peak with duration about 30 μs is possible.  
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TUCOCK01 Beam, Multi-Beam and Broad Beam Production with COMIC Devices 99
  • P. Sortais, J. Angot, T. Lamy, J. Médard
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  • C. Peaucelle
    IN2P3 IPNL, Villeurbanne, France
  The COMIC discharge cavity is a very versatile technology. We will present new results and devices that match new applications like: molecular beams, ultra compact beam line for detectors calibrations, quartz source for on-line application, high voltage platform source, sputtering /assistance broad beams and finally, a quite new use, high energy multi¬-beam production for surface material modifications. In more details, we will show that the tiny discharge of COMIC can mainly produce molecular ions (H3+). We will present the preliminary operation of the fully quartz ISOLDE COMIC version, in collaboration with IPN-Lyon, we will present a first approach for a slit extraction version of a three cavity device, and after discussing about various extraction systems on the multi discharge device (41 cavities) we will show the low energy broad beam (2 KV) and high energy multi-beams (10 beams up to 30 KV) productions. We will specially present the different extraction systems adapted to each application and the beams characteristics which are strongly dependent on the voltage distribution of an accel-accel two electrodes extraction system.  
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WECOBK01 Commissioning of the ECRIS Charge State Breeder at TRIUMF 178
  • F. Ames, R.A. Baartman, P.G. Bricault, K. Jayamanna
    TRIUMF, Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vancouver, Canada
  • T. Lamy
    LPSC, Grenoble, France
  Radioactive isotopes produced at the ISOL facility ISAC at TRIUMF are usually extracted from the target ion source system as singly charged ions. If the mass of those ions exceeds A=30 their acceleration requires the breeding to highly charged ions. A modified version of an ECRIS charge breeder (14.5 GHz PHOENIX from Pantechnik) has been installed and a first on-line test resulting in the successful acceleration of 80Rb14+ has been performed already in 2008. During the radioactive beam time periods of 2009 and 2010 further measurements with stable and radioactive ions from different target ion source combinations have been performed to fully commission the system. Breeding efficiencies of several percent in the maximum of the charge state distribution have been achieved. Detailed results will be presented.  
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WECOBK03 Fine Frequency Tuning of the PHOENIX Charge Breeder Used as a Probe for ECRIS Plasmas 184
  • T. Lamy, J. Angot, M. Marie-Jeanne, J. Médard, P. Sortais, T. Thuillier
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  • A. Galatà
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  • H. A. Koivisto, O.A. Tarvainen
    JYFL, Jyväskylä, Finland
  Fine frequency tuning of ECR ion sources is a main issue to optimize the production of multiply charged ion beams. The PHOENIX charge breeder operation has been tested in the range 13,75 - 14,5 GHz with an HF power of about 400 W. The effect of this tuning is analyzed by measuring the multi-ionization efficiency obtained for various characterized injected 1+ ion beams (produced by the 2.45 GHz COMIC source). The 1+/n+ method includes the capture and the multi ionization processes of the 1+ beam and may be considered as a plasma probe. The n+ spectra obtained could be considered, in first approach, as an image of the plasma of the charge breeder. However, in certain conditions it has been observed that the injection of a few hundreds of nA of 1+ ions (i.e.: Xe1+) in the plasma of the charge breeder, is able to destroy the charge state distribution of the support gas (i.e.: up to 40 % of O6+ and O7+ disappears). The study of this phenomenon will be presented along with plasma potential measurements for various charge states. This study may help to understand the ECRIS creation (or destruction) of highly charged ions.  
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