Beam Lines
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Optics and Mechanics of Mirror Benders  
  • J. Nicolás, C. Colldelram, C. Ruget
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  We will explain the basic concepts of optics regarding focusing with grazing incidence reflective surfaces. The concept of aberration and figure error, and the aberrations associated to the typical geometric surfaces found in mirrors will be described with some detail. We will describe how mirror benders can approximate these geometrical figures, how to compute the required mechanical characteristics, and the optical effect of the residual errors. Finally, we will describe, and illustrate with examples, the main aspects that have to be considered in the mechanical implementation, their characterization and their operation in the beam-line.  
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MFX - a New Macromolecular Beamline at LCLS  
  • J.C. Castagna, S. Boutet
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  MFX stands for Macromolecular-Femtosecond-Xtallography Motivation for a new beamline at LCLS: Biology experiments require pink beam in the Hard Xray regime. The existing and combined, CXI and XPP beamlines at LCLS cover >55% of the LCLS proposals, all sciences included. About half of these are biology proposals. Schedule constraints mean structural bi-ology beam time had plateaued and the gap between biology beam time and demand has been increas-ing steadily. MFX is a new beamline at LCLS optimized and dedicated to atmospheric pressure structural biology. MFX was created to allow more access to beam time and benefit from the LCLS multiplexing capabili-ties. First light came on January 12 2016, 21 months after initial funding. First user experiment took place in July 2016. End station is still in construction phase.  
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From CAD Beamline Design to Tunnel Installation at XFEL  
  • N. Kohlstrunk, H. Sinn
    XFEL. EU, Hamburg, Germany
  The European XFEL will generate up to 27000 ultra short X-ray pulses per second with a brilliance that is a billion times higher than that of the best conventional X-ray radiation sources. The outstanding characteristics of the facility are unique worldwide. Starting 2017, it will open up completely new research opportunities for scientists and industrial users *. To built up the more than 3km long Photon beam transport system it was necessary to create a complete CAD integration model with placeholders of optical and diagnostic elements and beam-line sections. The detailed 3D model has to be placed into this so called "overview assemblies". Later workshop and installation drawings were created from this overview assembly. This drawings helped the technicians/engineers to built up the whole system in the underground tunnel.
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Design and Performance Evaluation of the Next Generation Beamlines at New KEK Light Source (KEK-LS)  
  • N. Igarashi, K. Amemiya, T. Kikuchi, T. Mori, Y. Takeichi, H. Tanaka, Y. Uchida
    KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
  KEK has been operating two SR sources, the PF-ring and the PF-AR, for about thirty years. We have made a proposal of constructing a new SR facility, tentatively called KEK light source (KEK-LS). An extremely low-emittance storage ring based on the hybrid multi-bend achromatic (HMBA) lattice has been designed as a successor of the aged two rings. The undulator brightness almost approaches 1022 or exceeds 1022 in the soft X-ray to hard X-ray region. It is higher by two orders of magnitude than those of present 3rd generation light sources and by four orders from the PF-ring. The coherent fractions reach 10 % and 1 % at 1 keV and 10 keV, respectively. The KEK-LS will serve as the platform to advance the frontier of science using nanobeam, high-energy resolution beam and high coherent beam. We are conducting necessary studies to fully utilize the high brilliance beams emitted from KEK-LS. We designed beamline optics systems at 1 keV and 10 keV, respectively, and evaluated the beam performance. Also, we are making careful considerations as for the state-of-the-art technology of optics elements. Here, we present the typical beamline designs and the performance by lay-tracing simulations.  
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WEPE14 Minimizing Grating Slope Errors in the IEX Monochromator at the Advanced Photon Source 336
  • M.V. Fisher, L. Assoufid, J.L. McChesney, J. Qian, R. Reininger, F.M. Rodolakis
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
  Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under contract number DE-AC02-06CH11357.
The IEX beamline at the APS is currently in the commissioning phase. The energy resolution of the beamline was not meeting original specifications by several orders of magnitude. The monochromator, an in-focus VLS-PGM, is currently configured with a high and a medium-line-density grating. Experimental results indicated that both gratings were contributing to the poor energy resolution and this led to venting the monochromator to investigate. The initial suspicion was that a systematic error had occurred in the ruling process on the VLS gratings, but that proved to not be the case. Instead the problem was isolated to mechanical constraints used to mount the gratings into their respective side-cooled holders. Modifications were made to the holders to eliminate problematic constraints without compromising the rest of the design. Metrology performed on the gratings in the original and modified holders demonstrated a 20-fold improvement in the surface profile error which was consistent with finite element analysis performed in support of the modifications. Two gratings were successfully reinstalled and subsequent measurements with beam show a dramatic improvement in energy resolution.
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About • paper received ※ 10 September 2016       paper accepted ※ 16 September 2016       issue date ※ 22 June 2017  
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WEPE15 High Frequency UHV Mechanical X-Ray Beam Chopper 339
  • N González, C. Colldelram, C. Escudero, S. Ferrer
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  A mechanical chopper* has been designed and built to perform X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) experiments with operating liquid electrochemical cells at NAPP end station of ALBA Synchrotron (BL24, CIRCE). When operating the cell, to separate the weak currents induced by the X-ray absorption process at the electrode in contact with the electrolyte (TEY signal) from the faradaic current set between the electrodes, the incoming beam must be chopped at a certain frequency (w). Then, using a lock in amplifier, the signal at this frequency w can be extracted and measured. When the chopper is located in the beam path, it produces pulses with a frequency w, modulating the TEY signal. The chopper developed at ALBA, with variable frequency, improves previous designs which used piezo-actuated choppers constrained to work at fixed oscillating frequencies**. The design consists of a slotted disk that spins around an axis by means of an UHV stepper motor. A LED and photodiode based UHV sensor ensures that frequency drifts do not affect the measurements. The motor is hold by an internally water cooled OFHC support, which allows long duration experiments at high speeds without stopping.
* Patent Registered
** Velasco-Velez et al, Science 2014, 346, 831-834
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About • paper received ※ 09 September 2016       paper accepted ※ 16 September 2016       issue date ※ 22 June 2017  
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High Power Load Monochromator for Computed Tomography Program at BMIT at Energies 25-150 keV  
  • T.W. Wysokinski, G. Belev, L.D. Chapman, C.D. Miller
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • N. Huber
    HUBER Diffraktiontechnik GmbH&Co.KG, Rimsting, Germany
  • M. Renier
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  • P. Suortti
    Helsinki University, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland
  A high power load monochromator has been constructed for computed tomography (CT) studies at the BioMedical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT) facility located at the Canadian Light Source. A non-dispersive pair of bent Laue-type crystals is used, with the first crystal water-cooled. The monochromator operates at energies from 25 to 150 keV, and the maximum width of the beam is 190 mm at crystal location. The beam intensity is between 1013 and 1014 photons/s/mm2 under typical operating conditions. In normal mode of operation, if the first crystal is bend with 3 N*m and the second crystal with 2 N*m torque, the measured FWHM of the spectral bandwidth at 50 keV is 1%. With the improved design of the holding springs, the monochromator is quite insensitive to vibrations, it can operate with small turbo pump attached for medium resolution imaging at 20-50 keV. Due to high power loads, the system experiences high out-gassing and a proper filter set to protect the crystal and to reduce the thermal drift is required. High level of radiation inside the monochromator vessel is the reason the operation of the system must be based only on mechanical end-switch calibration.  
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Rotary Slit to Define a Secondary Horizontal Source at the ANATOMIX Beam-Line of Synchrotron SOLEIL  
  • J.L. Giorgetta, M. Scheel, T. Weitkamp
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  Funding: French Government / Agence nationale de la recherche through EQUIPEX grant ANR-11-EQPX-0031 NanoimagesX.
ANATOMIX is a new long beam-line (200 m) devoted to full-field tomography at the SOLEIL synchrotron facility. It will operate in the energy range from 5 to 30 KeV, and feature 4 operation modes via versatile optics configurations, including direct white beam propagation. Aimed for tomography in the 17-25 KeV range, one of the operating modes implies the use of a wide beam achieved by a pair of mirrors focusing in the horizontal direction at a distance of 160 m from the experimental station. To define a secondary source, a specially-designed slit is located in the focal plane. The aperture is adjustable from 0 to 500 µm and a transverse movement allows scan of the whole slit at constant gap. A pair of tungsten cylinders act as slit blades, they are mounted on a support rotating around a vertical axis. The distance between the cylinders is fixed (500 µm), the actual beam aperture is the projection of the gap between the cylinders, defined by the rotation angle. The rotating block is mounted on a translation stage used both for slit scan and to remove the slit from the beam for direct beam operation. The cylinders are cooled through copper braids linked to water-cooled heat sinks.
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WEPE18 APS 2-ID Beamline, Upgrade to Canted Configuration 342
  • D. Capatina, M.A. Beno, M.V. Fisher, J.J. Knopp, B. Lai, E.R. Moog, C. Roehrig, S. Vogt
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
  Funding: Work at the Advanced Photon Source is supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.
To provide independent operation of the two 2-ID beamline experimental stations, a new canted beamline design is being developed. The constraint of keeping the existing front end limits the canting angle. The optimal canting angle was determined to be 400 urad and is achieved by using a permanent magnet. A coil is added to the canting magnet to provide a steering adjustment of maxi-mum 40 to 50 urad. In order to increase the beam separation as well as to provide power filtering and higher harmonics rejection for the downstream optics, a dual mirror system with focusing capability is used as the first optic at approximately 28 m from the center of the straight section. The inboard mirror (2.6 mrad) reflects the inboard beam outboard while the outboard mirror (4.1 mrad) reflects the outboard beam inboard. The beam presented to the dual mirror system is defined by two 1 mm x 1 mm apertures. The maximum power absorbed by each mirror is 200 W. Two vertically deflecting monochromators with minimum offset of 17 mm are located in the First Optical Enclosure on the outboard branch. The monochromator for the inboard branch is located in the corresponding experimental station.
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About • paper received ※ 07 September 2016       paper accepted ※ 19 September 2016       issue date ※ 22 June 2017  
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Present Status of PF BL-13A/B, Vacuum Ultraviolet and Soft X-Ray Undulator Beamlines for Surface Chemistry and STXM  
  • K. Mase, K. Amemiya, T. Kikuchi, Y. Takeichi, H. Tanaka, A. Toyoshima
    KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
  • T. Miyazawa
    Sokendai, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Tsukuba, Japan
  An APPLE-II-type variable polarization undulator was installed at BL-13A/B in Photon Factory (PF) in the end of FY2014, and the user experiments were started in FY2015. Photon flux at BL-13 increased by nearly one order of magnitude compared to the previous one. BL-13A is mainly used for scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) measurements, while BL-13B is mainly dedicated to surface science using angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HR-XPS), and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) [*]. Present status of PF BL-13A/B will be presented in the poster.
* A. Toyoshima, H. Tanaka, T. Kikuchi, K. Amemiya, and K. Mase, J. Vac. Soc. Jpn., 54 (2011) 580
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KB Mirror Design for the LCLS-II SXR Beam Line  
  • D.S. Morton, D. Cocco, N.M. Kelez, L. Zhang
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported by Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
One of the key components of the beam transport, in the SXR beam-line is the bendable focusing mirror system, operated in a Kirkpatrick-Baez Configuration. For the first time in the Synchrotron or FEL world, the large bending needed to focus the beam will be coupled with a cooling system, since the full FEL power is delivered through all of the optics to the sample. In this paper we will discuss the key design elements of the KB mirror system. We will cover the flexure hinge based bender mechanism which provides a well-defined axis of rotation. The flexure based twist and height correction mechanisms which allow correction for manufacturing and assembly tolerances. The parallel leaf spring lever arms which allow the use of relatively low bending forces with high resolution and do so while maintaining a constant direction of force application. The epoxy joint which was designed to minimize the tensile loading of the epoxy to increase its performance. We will then go on to discuss the cooling scheme which allows us to mechanically decouple the cooling system from the mirror.
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Optical and Mechanical Design of the EMIL Beamlines at BESSY-II  
  • S. Hendel, G. Reichardt, F. Schäfers
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • T. Gießel
    Bestec GmbH, Berlin, Germany
  • M. Hävecker
    FHI, Berlin, Germany
  The Energy Materials In-Situ Laboratory Berlin (EMIL) at BESSY-II is currently under completion *. The setup for EMIL consists of two canted undulators, providing a wide energy spectrum of 70 - 10.000 eV, three monochromators (two plane grating monochromators and one LN2-cooled double crystal monochromator) and ten mirror chambers for radiation dispersion and focusing into two separate pathways of 65 m length. Split-mirror chambers distribute the desired photon energy to one (or simultaneously to two) of five experimental endstations. The maximum lateral distance between all beamline elements is not more than one meter. This narrow design, selectable monochromators and several beam crossings require advanced modification of all vacuum chambers to enable variable beam routes. Long pathways demand a very high mechanical and thermal stability as well as a reproducible motion of all optical elements. The chosen constant strut-length hexapod design for the mirror chambers provides a wide range of movement in six degrees of freedom. We report on the optics of the beamline, monochromator characteristics and mechanics, proposed timelines and present first commissioning results.
* R. Follath, M. Hävecker, G. Reichardt, K. Lips, J. Bahrdt, F. Schäfers, and P. Schmid, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 425 212003, p.1-4 (2013).
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WEPE22 F-Switch: Novel ’Random Access’ Manipulator for Large Numbers of Compound Refractive Lenses 345
  • G.M.A. Duller, D.R. Hall, A. Stallwood
    DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  The F-Switch is a new concept of device for the manipu-lation of large arrays of 2D CRLs or similar disc-shaped optical elements (12mm dia, 2mm thick) under high vac-uum. Unlike the well-known transfocator devices the optical elements are randomly selectable. This enables a number of potential modes of operation, including the fine adjustment of focal length by adjusting the effective lens centre position when using CRLs or the use of some positions within the array to implement filters or reference foils. Actuation and guidance is achieved within the thickness of the element, so that the overall length of the device is minimised. The device has been in user operation on the I04 MX beamline at Diamond Light Source (DLS) since 2015. Another device is being assembled for use on the I11 beamline at DLS. It is also hoped to install another device on the I03 beamline. We present details of the mechanical design of the F-Switch and some examples of its operation.  
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About • paper received ※ 10 September 2016       paper accepted ※ 21 September 2016       issue date ※ 22 June 2017  
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Optimizing X-Ray Mirror Thermal Performance Using Variable-Length Cooling for High-Repetition-Rate FELs  
  • C.L. Hardin, L. Amores, D. Cocco, N.M. Kelez, D.S. Morton, V.N. Srinivasan, L. Zhang
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • M. Carlucci-Dayton
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Funding: DOE
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is developing LCLS-II, a superconducting linear accelerator based free electron laser capable of a repetition rate up to 1 MHz. To deliver the FEL beam with minimal power loss and wavefront distortion, we need grazing-incidence plane mirrors with height errors below 1nm rms, under operational conditions. We also need to mitigate thermal effects of a complex photon energy-dependent thermal profile. We discuss a mirror cradle that minimizes figure error using variable length water cooling through a gallium-indium eutectic bath, and curve correction with an off-axis bender. We present thermal and mechanical analysis, design and prototyping results of figure sensitivity under bender corrections.
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FRAA03 Mechanical Design of MIRAS, Infrared Microspectroscopy Beam Line at ALBA Synchrotron 403
  • L.R.M. Ribó, C. Colldelram, A. Crisol, A.A. Gevorgyan, R. Monge, J. Nicolás, L. Nikitina, M. Quispe, I. Sics, I. Yousef
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  • P. Dumas
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • G. Ellis
    CSIC, Madrid, Spain
  The infraredμspectroscopy beam line has been an In House project fully developed at ALBA as a result of a collaboration of different teams during the period 2014 where the design started to 2016 It is composed by a retractile mirror to extract the IR light from the bending magnet radiation and a system of 8 transport mirrors located by positioning systems designed for a high stability performance, to transport the extracted light outside the tunnel until the first End Station  
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About • paper received ※ 09 September 2016       paper accepted ※ 20 September 2016       issue date ※ 22 June 2017  
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Soft X-Ray Grating Monochromator at the European XFEL  
  • D. La Civita, H. Sinn
    XFEL. EU, Hamburg, Germany
  European XFEL, the Free-Electron-Laser facility in Hamburg (Germany), is going to start user operation in early 2017. In full operation the novel facility will produce at MHz repetition rate coherent femtosecond pulses with unprecedented brilliance in the energy range from 250 eV to 25 keV. The facility comprises of a linear accelerator and three beam-lines: SASE1, SASE2 and SASE3 that covers the soft X-ray energy range up to 3 keV. The almost diffraction-limited beam is propagated along the beam-line with very long, cooled and super-polished mirrors. The plane VLS grating monochromator provides monochromatised beam and the optical layout consists of two alternatively insertable pre-mirrors and three gratings. All the optics are installed in the same vessel and mounted on a single in-vacuum baseplate. Degrees of freedom of the device are chosen and designed to guarantee the needed tunability and the maximum stability. The device has been mechanically tested and the vibrational performance measured to guarantee the adequate stability for the optics. This work reports about the concept, design, and test results of the monochromator with emphasis on the vibrational behaviour.  
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FRBA01 A New Crystal Bender for the ID31 Laue-Laue Monochromator 409
  • M. Magnin-Mattenet, P. Got, V. Honkimaki, A. Vivo
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  The ID31 beamline is able to provide X-Ray energies ranging from 20 to 150keV. The energy range 50-150keVis covered by a Laue-Laue monochromator located at 100meters from the source. Two asymmetrically cut Si crystals equipped with benders, based on a new concept, provide an energy resolution ranging from few hundreds of eV down to the Darwin width of few eV. The bender principle, design, manufacture and first commissioning will be described. The virtual source, produced with a white beam transfocator, can be before or after the monochromator. Therefore the bending mechanism must allow both concave and convex configuration with bending radius from 20m to infinite. Each bender is equipped with two home made piezo-jacks in close loop with capacitive sensor. The system is liquid Nitrogen cooled. The thermal behaviour will be described in detail and thermo-mechanical finite element analysis presented.  
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About • paper received ※ 09 September 2016       paper accepted ※ 21 September 2016       issue date ※ 22 June 2017  
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FRBA02 The Nanobender: A New X-Ray Mirror Bender With Nanometer Figure Correction 413
  • C. Colldelram, J. Nicolás, P. Pedreira, L. Ribó, C. Ruget, I. Sics
    ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  • J.M. Casalta Escuer, C. Martín-Nuño Gonzalez, A. Tomas Justribo, D. Úbeda Gonzalez
    SENER, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  Over time X-Ray mirrors are demanded for better focusing, closer to sample refocusing, spot size as well as better beam uniformity at sample position. Based on the experience of ALBA Phase I beam lines a new alter-native design of a mirror bender* is proposed. The system includes two main functionalities: the mirror bender mechanism and mirror figure error correc-tion. Both mechanisms are based on the introduction of a force constrain on the mirror surface instead of a geometrical one. As being based on a force mechanism they could reach high resolution and especially for the correctors which can achieve nanometre resolution. The correctors are designed to provide high force stability in the mirror side, eliminating the crosstalk between bending and figure correction, and minimizing the sensitivity to drifts. With such controlled deformation of the mirror substrate it is possible to obtain the desired surface figure not only to correct mirror figure errors but also to adapt it to the incident wavefront, thus becoming adaptive system. The mechanical solutions are presented which are able to correct mirror surfaces with a resolution of 1 nm reaching slope errors below 100 nrad.
* Patent Registered
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About • paper received ※ 03 October 2016       paper accepted ※ 08 May 2017       issue date ※ 22 June 2017  
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FRBA03 Design of the Diamond Light Source DMM for the VMXi Beamline 420
  • D.J. Butler, J.H. Kelly
    DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  A Double Multilayer Monochromator (DMM) was designed in-house for the VMXi beam-line. This paper describes the novel engineering solutions employed to build a high stability instrument. PiezoMotor® actuators drive sine-arm Bragg axes for both optics providing the coarse and fine motion in a single actuator. The long translation of the second multilayer is driven externally via a linear shift to eliminate in-vacuum pipe & cable motions. A high stability air bearing translates the whole DMM across the two multilayer stripes. The optics are water cooled via an Indium / Gallium eutectic alloy bath to minimise coupled vibrations. The DMM is operational on the VMXi beam-line, experimental and performance data is presented.  
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About • paper received ※ 09 September 2016       paper accepted ※ 19 September 2016       issue date ※ 22 June 2017  
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LCLS-II KB Mirror Systems: Technical Challenges and Solutions  
  • L. Zhang, D. Cocco, N.M. Kelez, D.S. Morton
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Based on the success of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the Department of Energy has funded the LCLS-II - a billion-dollar project. In addition to the existing LCLS copper linac that delivers FEL pulses at 120 Hz, the LCLS-II project will provide a 4 GeV superconducting (SC) linear accelerator to deliver high-repetition-rate FEL pulses, up to 1 MHz. The average power of the FEL beam from the SC linac will range from 20 to 200 W, and potentially to 600 W. The FEL beam has ultra-short pulse length (down to a few fs), narrow energy band width (down to less than 10-4, thanks to self-seeding technology), and is fully coherent beam. The preservation of the wavefront is essential to maintain the outstanding FEL beam properties. In this paper, we will describe the technical challenge of the optics design to preserve the FEL beam wavefront. We will focus on the KB mirror system for LCLS-II instruments. We will especially discuss the aspects of cooling technology to minimize the thermal deformation and the management and minimization of the mechanical coupling between the mirror bending and the cooling.  
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