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Tanaka, R.

Paper Title Page
TUB003 Event-Synchronized Data-Acquisition System for SPring-8 XFEL 69
  • M. Yamaga, Y. Furukawa, T. Hirono, M. I. Ishii, T. Masuda, T. Ohata, R. Tanaka, A. Yamashita
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  • T. Fukui, N. Hosoda
    RIKEN/SPring-8, Hyogo
  We report the status and the upgrade of the event-synchronized data-acquisition system for the accelerator control of XFEL/SPring-8. Because the XFEL is composed of a linac, most of the equipment is driven with the pulsed operation. The stability of equipment is critically important to achieve/stabilize the FEL lasing. We need a fast data-acquisition system to take a set of data from RF signals and beam monitor signals synchronizing with the same electron beam shots. For this purpose, the event-synchronized data-acquisition system has been introduced to the control system of the SCSS test accelerator, an XFEL prototype machine. The system consists of a data filling computer, a relational data base server, VME-based shared memory boards and distributed shared memory network. So far total of 54 signals from the beam monitoring system are successfully collected synchronizing with the 60 Hz of beam operation cycles. The accumulated data was utilized for the fast feedback correction of beam trajectories and energy quite effectively. Signals from the RF systems will be taken by the upgraded data-acquisition system utilizing the distributed memory-cache system.  
TUP095 Facility Utility Control System of XFEL/SPring-8 298
  • T. Masuda, M. I. Ishii, R. Tanaka
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  • T. Fukui, N. Kumagai, Y. Sekiguchi
    RIKEN/SPring-8, Hyogo
  The XFEL facility under construction at SPring-8 requires highly stable RF phase and intensity control for steady X-ray lasing. The RF conditions are very sensitive to facility utilities and environmental conditions such as air temperature, power line voltage, especially to cooling water temperature for accelerating structures. We, therefore, have to monitor them with required sampling rate and resolution from the viewpoint of the accelerator control. In particular, the cooling water for accelerating structure should be controlled seamlessly from the XFEL control system to achieve steady lasing. We designed and constructed a control system for the facility utilities as a part of the XFEL accelerator control with the MADOCA framework. All the signals of the facility utilities are stored into the same database with the XFEL control system, which helps us to investigate the correlations between beam stability and environmental conditions. All the utility equipment is controlled by PLCs connected to VME systems through FL-net. We set up PLC touch panels to support daily management as the local control interface.  
WEP017 Design of an XFEL Beamline DAQ System 438
  • T. Ohata, Y. Furukawa, T. Hirono, R. Tanaka, A. Yamashita
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  • T. Hatsui, T. Ishikawa, M. Yabashi
    RIKEN/SPring-8, Hyogo
  We have designed the control and the data acquisition system for the SPring-8 XFEL beamlines. The XFEL generates ultra-short pulsed coherent X-ray laser with the 60Hz beam repetition rate. Two-dimensional x-ray detectors are under development for X-ray detection. The data acquisition system for the detectors has to synchronize with the accelerator beam operation cycle to obtain correlations between incident X-ray and experimental data. The tagging system that records event numbers in the measurement data is especially important. The key technologies to make a success of the DAQ system of XFEL beamline are a tagging system of the 60Hz X-ray pulse, a real-time compression of fast massive data and low-latency network for data transfer. Both the network system of 3~4 Gbps bandwidth and the storage system with a near petabyte will be required in the initial operation phase of the XFEL project. At first, we developed a FPGA based tagging board that delivers tag numbers of X-ray pulse shots with parallel and serial interfaces. A first test system will be assembled by early 2010.  
WEP091 Upgrade of the Accelerator Radiation Safety System for SPring-8 579
  • C. Saji, H. Hanaki, M. Kago, T. Masuda, T. Matsushita, H. Ohkuma, K. Soutome, S. Suzuki, M. Takao, R. Tanaka, M. Toko, H. Yonehara
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  The accelerator safety interlock system to protect persons from radiation hazard induced by electron beams and synchrotron radiation has been operating over a decade in SPring-8. This system is monitoring the safety condition of accelerator components and stops injection electron beams in case of the failure, and stored electron beams are aborted if necessary. SPring-8 complex is composed of five accelerator/beam-transport areas. The injection beam direction can be frequently changed between the two accelerator areas; SPring-8 storage ring and NewSUBARU storage ring. Therefore, the safety interlock system was built introducing the idea of the "operation mode" control system. Once one of the operation modes is selected, the electron beams transport route is defined uniquely. The operation mode control system manages the combination of some accelerator/beam-transport areas. Since the operation mode control system became complicated because the number of "operation mode" has increased according to SPring-8 upgrades, we are planning to construct new safety interlock system. We will report the status of the current safety interlock system and the conceptual design of the new one.  
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WEP096 Design of the Accelerator Safety Interlock System for XFEL in SPring-8 588
  • M. Kago, T. Matsushita, N. Nariyama, C. Saji, R. Tanaka
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  • Y. Asano, T. Fukui, T. Itoga
    RIKEN/SPring-8, Hyogo
  The X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) Facility in SPring-8 is now under construction. The accelerator safety interlock system for the XFEL is required for protecting persons from radiation hazard. The system consists of three interlock systems; a central interlock system (CIS), an emergency interlock system (EIS) and a beam-route interlock system (BIS). The CIS monitors the safety equipment status. The EIS monitors status of emergency stop buttons. The BIS monitors consistency between the predefined electron beam route to the downstream insertion devices and the actual transport route by inputting the current of the bending magnet at the beam switching points. If the condition is unsafe, these systems don't give the permission to the accelerator operation and stops the electron beam. The programmable logic controller (PLC) is basically used to control of each interlock system. It is required to stop the electron beam within 16.6ms because the design maximum repetition frequency of the electron beams is 60Hz. Therefore, we developed the optical module that can transmit high-speed stop signals. We report the present status of accelerator safety interlock system for the XFEL.  
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WED006 Upgrade Of The Spring-8 Control Network For Integration Of Xfel 627
  • T. Sugimoto, M. I. Ishii, T. Ohata, T. Sakamoto, R. Tanaka
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  Today, new synchrotron-radiation facilities have been built around the world. One of these facilities, RIKEN XFEL project in Japan, is characterized by its location beside existing facility, SPring-8. Using X rays from two facilities in coincidence, new scientific applications are expected such as pump-and-probe experiments, and so on. We also plan to use linac of the XFEL as another injector to the SPring-8. By benefiting from combined application with two facilities, it is necessary to integrate two control systems. Important point of the integration is combination and segregation of two facilities. For combined applications, two control systems should be treated as one facility. On the other hand, when two facilities are operated separately, two control systems should be independent each other, and one system must not be affected by any trouble of another system. To archive the point, we physically segregate control system into two networks using firewall. Since control architecture in SPring-8 is database oriented, two systems can be coupled with synchronization of database for combined applications. We show the concept and upgrade status of new network and control system.  
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THP031 Upgrade of RF Control System at SPring-8 730
  • T. Matsumoto, T. Kudo, T. Masuda, R. Tanaka
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  SPring-8 continues its operation over 10 years. Recently, we encounter the need to replace commercial I/O boards due to manufacturing discontinuances. Also, early introduced GPIB control causes instabilities on our control system. In this paper, we report upgrade on these issues for RF control system at SPring-8. For the replacements of I/O boards, we needed some idea for restricted time due to short shutdown period of accelerator operation, and for large number of signals. Therefore, we developed new boards [analog input board (AI) and pulse train generator board (PTG)] for smooth replacements. The new boards were designed to have similar signal cabling scheme and software application with current system. Also, additional improvements (higher signal density, better resolution for AI, flexible logic with logic-reconfigurable VME board for PTG), were introduced at the same time. For AI, ~40 boards were successfully replaced in short time, then we achieved better resolution and reduction in number of boards. For the replacement of GPIB control, we introduced small embedded PC (Armadillo) instead of GPIB-RS-232C converter. Thus, we could improve the stability of the RF control system.