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Keitel, R.

Paper Title Page
TUP038 CPP/CXML - a Host-Based Sequencer for EPICS 173
  • P. A. Gurd, R. Keitel
    TRIUMF, Vancouver
  The EPICS based control system of the ISAC Radioactive Beam Facility uses cppe, a host based sequencer. Cppe was adapted from a previous application and uses its own simple sequencing language. This paper describes CPPerl/CXML, a replacement for cppe, which was implemented as a Perl module on top of the EPIC CA Perl module. CPPerl/CXML retains important features of cppe, such as process variable declarations, connection checks and cleanup on abort. In addition it leverages the full capabilities of the Perl language and incorporates a state machine processor. Sequences can be executed either in Perl using the Perl procedural API or by defining a state machine using XML.  
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THP098 Tdct - a Configuration Tool for EPICS Runtime Databases 871
  • R. Keitel
    TRIUMF, Vancouver
  The EPICS runtime data bases for the ISAC Radioactive Beam Facility at TRIUMF are developed using Capfast[*]. Capfast is a tool for drawing electronics schematics. EPICS runtime functionality is configured using an EPICS function block symbol library. A translation tool, which was developed in the EPICS collaboration generates the runtime databases from the Capfast schematics. Capfast provides excellent hierarchy support, but has a cumbersome user interface, major limitations and is not fully EPICS aware. As TRIUMF has a big investment in its schematic hierarchy, a compatible tool Tdct was developed, which overcomes the limitations of Capfast. Tdct was developed in Java, is fully EPICS aware and supports the whole development process from schematic drawing to runtime database generation.

* Phase Three Logic, Beaverton, Oregon, USA

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THD006 Cryogenics Controls in the ISAC-II Superconducting RF Accelerator 919
  • R. B. Nussbaumer, D. Dale, T. Howland, H. Hui, R. Keitel, K. Langton, M. LeRoss, J. E. Richards, B. Shaw, E. Tikhomolov
    TRIUMF, Vancouver
  The TRIUMF ISAC-II superconducting heavy ion linear accelerator is composed of eight cryomodules containing a total of 40 superconducting radio frequency cavities. This paper describes the control system for delivery of liquid Helium and liquid Nitrogen, and quench protection of accelerator components. We discuss integration of the ISAC EPICS-based control system with the control systems for two turn-key Helium refrigerators, details related to the delivery system and it's interface to other accelerator elements. Anticipated and ongoing control system upgrades are described.