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WEA2WD03 |
Analysis of Electron Trajectories in Harmonic Undulator with SCILAB's Model Based Design Codes |
93 |
- H. Jeevakhan, S. Kumar
NITTTR, Bhopal, India
- G. Mishra
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India
Scilab's X-cos model-based simulation blocks has been used to simulate the trajectories of an electron traversing through an Harmonic undulator. The trajectory of electron along X and Y directions has been simulated from Numerical and analytical methods. Analysis given in the present paper is compared with the other codes. Parallel simulation of Harmonic undulator magnetic field along with trajectories of electron is given in the present analysis.
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WEA2WD04 |
Harmonic Undulator Radiation with Dual Non Periodic Magnetic Components |
98 |
- H. Jeevakhan
NITTTR, Bhopal, India
- G. Mishra
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India
Undulator radiation at third harmonics generated by harmonic undulator in the presence dual non periodic constant magnetic field. Electron trajectories along the x and y direction has been determined analytical and numerical methods. Generalized Bessel function is used to determine the intensity of radiation and Simpson's numerical method of integration is used to find the effect of constant magnetic fields. Comparison with previous analysis has also been presented.
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WEP2PT030 |
Undulator Development Activities at DAVV-Indore |
133 |
- M. Gehlot, R. Khullar, G. Mishra
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India
- H. Jeevakhan
NITTTR, Bhopal, India
- G. Sharma
RI Research Instruments GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
Insertion Device Design Laboratory, DAVV has development activities on in-house design, fabrication and measurement of prototype undulators for synchrotron radiation and free electron laser application. The first prototype U50 was built with six periods, 50mm each period. It was PPM type. The next prototype U20 hybrid device based on NdFeB-Cobalt steel was built with aim to produce 0.24T to 0.05T in 10-20mm gap. The undulator is a 20mm period and there are 25 periods. The next one is U50-II PPM structure with 20 periods. In this paper we review the designs of all these undulators and briefly outline the user facilities of Hall probe bench, Pulsed wire bench and stretched wire magnetic measurement systems at IDDL.
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