Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
MOPPH069 | 3D Modelling of the ERLP IR-FEL | simulation, radiation, electron, wiggler | 167 | |||||
An Energy Recovery Linac Prototype (ERLP) facility is currently being commissioned at Daresbury Laboratory; it serves as a testbed for technologies to be used in the proposed 4th Generation Light Source (4GLS) facility. As part of the ERLP facility, an infra-red oscillator FEL is due to be commissioned early in 2008. In this paper we present full three dimensional, time-dependent modelling of the ERLP IR-FEL using Genesis 1.3 in combination with a paraxial optical propagation code (OPC). We also discuss how this work will be used to inform commissioning of the FEL.
WEBAU05 | Magnetic Measurements, Tuning and Fiducialization of LCLS Undulators at SLAC | undulator, background, linac, quadrupole | 314 | |||||
A new Magnetic Measurement Facility (MMF) has been built at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) to measure, tune and fiducialize undulators for Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) project. Climate controlled MMF utilizes two magnetic measurement benches and a large Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) and provides a throughput of one undulator segment a week. Magnetic measurement, tuning and fiducialization process is being presented and first tuning results are discussed.
WEPPH025 | Progress in the FEL Lasing in Kyoto University | electron, cathode, undulator, gun | 394 | |||||
We have constructed an infrared (4~13μm) FEL facility for advanced energy researches in Kyoto University. The numerical studies on the expected FEL gain, which was based on the experimental measurements both of the undulator and of the electron beam parameters, were carried out*. However, g-parameter of the mirror cavity was located close to the unstable region. In order to obtain a stable FEL, we calculated the FEL gain taking into account the duct shape, the tilt angle, and the offset of the mirror, then for the first lasing the mirror parameter was optimized. At the present stage, we have installed the undulator and the mirror cavity. A spectrum of the spontaneous emission was measured, which was consistent with the result of spectrum calculation obtained with measured magnetic field of the undulator. In this conference, we will present the result of the mirror optimization, and measurement of the spontaneous emission. The status of the experiment on FEL lasing will also be addressed.
* M. Nakano, et al., Proceedings of the 2006 FEL conference, (2006) |