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MOCO-B04 |
Ion Beam Research and Development Work at JYFL
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- H. A. Koivisto, T. Ropponen, M. Savonen, V. A. Toivanen
JYFL, Jyvaskyla
During the last year the main focus of the JYFL ion source group has been on the studies of the beam transmission and time evolution of Bremsstrahlung and on the development of metal ion beams. Comprehensive studies of the beam transmission efficiency at the Department of Physics, University of Jyvaskyla have shown several problems concerning the injection line of the K-130 cyclotron. The experiments have shown strongly non-uniform and elliptical beam shape which limits the beam transmission efficiency. The Bremsstrahlung time evolution will be presented in other article in this same proceedings (T. Ropponen et. al). We will also shortly describe the development work carried out by the inductively heated oven.
MOCO-B05 |
The High Charge State All-Permanent Magnet ECRIS Operated on 320 kV HV Platform
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An all-permanent magnet ECR ion source named LAPECR2 (Lanzhou All-permanent magnet ECR ion source No. 2) has been built and tested at IMP. This ion source is designed and operated to produce intense ion beams of both low charge states (such as H+, He2+, Xe3+) and high charge states (such as Ar14+, Xe30+) for the 320 kV high voltage (HV) platform at IMP. Many good results have been obtained on LAPECR2, such as 1emA O6+, 130 eμA O7+, 166 eμA Ar11+, 0.33eμA Ar17+, 85 eμA Xe20+, 24eμA Xe27+, 2eμA Xe31+. This ion source was designed to fulfill the various requirements of all of the experimental terminals, such as the delivery of metallic ion beams. A high temperature micro-oven has been fabricated and installed on the source to produce stable metal vapor. This HV platform has been successfully biased to 395 kV without ion beam. And ion beams with the energy up to 150 keV/q have already been delivered to the successive experimental terminals. After a brief introduction of the source LAPECR2, the operation status on the HV platform is discussed. The typical performance of the source of both gaseous and some metallic ion beams will be given in this paper.
MOPO-04 |
Status of New Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources at iThemba LABS
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- R. W. Thomae
iThemba LABS, Somerset West
During the last 20 years the heavy ion beams at the iThemba Laboratory for Accelerated Based Sciences were produced in a so-called 10 GHz Minimafios Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS). In 2006 the decision was made that due to the requirements of nuclear physics for new ion species and higher particle energies- a new 3rd generation ECRIS should be procured. Therefore a source, based on the design of the Grenoble Test Source (GTS), is under construction in collaboration with the Grenoble group. It is a room temperature source that uses two microwave frequencies, 14.5 GHz and 18 GHz, to deliver highly charged ions of sufficient intensity to be accelerated in the separated-sector cyclotron to energies in the GeV range. At the same time a 14.5 GHz ECRIS4 with its beam line elements that was designed and constructed by GANIL and originally built for the Hahn-Meitner-Institute in Berlin was donated to iThemba LABS and has recently been installed. The status of the projects, future plans for new ion species development and their applications will be discussed.
MOPO-05 |
First Beam of the 2.45 GHz Versatile Ion Source (VIS) for High Power Proton Accelerators
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- S. Gammino, L. Celona, F. Chines, G. Ciavola, G. Gallo, N. Gambino, F. Maimone, D. Mascali, R. Miracoli, S. Passarello
INFN/LNS, Catania
The Versatile Ion Source (VIS) is a permanent magnet version of the TRIPS source with a simplified and robust extraction system. It operates up to 80 kV without a bulky high voltage platform, producing multi-mA beams of protons and H2+. The description of the source design and the preliminary performance will be presented. An outline of the forthcoming developments is given, with particular care to the use of a low loss dc break and to the use of a travelling wave tube amplifier to get an optimum matching between the microwave generator and the plasma.
MOPO-10 |
Experience at the Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT) with 2 Years of Continuous ECR Ion Source Operation
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- T. Winkelmann, R. Cee, Th. Haberer, B. Naas, A. Peters, S. Scheloske
HIT, Heidelberg
Radiotherapy with heavy ions is an upcoming cancer treatment method with to date unachieved precision. It associates higher control rates particularly for radiation resistant tumour species with reduced adverse effects compared to conventional photon therapy. This presentation will provide an overview about the project, with special attention given to the two 14.5 GHz electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources. The HIT ECR ion sources are routinely used to produce a variety of ion beams from proton up to oxygen. The runtime of these two sources are 330 days per year, our experience with two years of continuous operation will be presented, with special emphasis on stability and breakdowns of components. In addition, an outlook of further planned developments at the HIT ECR ion sources will be given.
MOPO-11 |
First Experience with the Operation of the GTS-LHC Ion Source at 18 GHz
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- D. Kuchler, M. O'Neil, R. Scrivens
CERN, Geneva
The GTS-LHC ion source delivers the heavy ion beam, in preparation for the ion collision experiments at CERN. The source was operating up to now with a microwave frequency of 14.5 GHz, in the afterglow mode, for the commissioning of the injector chain of the LHC. Tests have been made with injection of microwaves at 18 GHz, and the first results and experience are presented in this paper.
MOPO-12 |
Production of Multi-Charged Ions for Experimental Use at HIMAC
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- A. Kitagawa, M. Muramatsu
NIRS, Chiba-shi
- S. Biri
ATOMKI, Debrecen
- A. G. Drentje
KVI, Groningen
- W. Takasugi, M. Wakaisami
AEC, Chiba
Since 1994, heavy-ion radiotherapy using carbon ions is successfully carried out with the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS). The maximum carbon ion energy is 400MeV/n. HIMAC is dedicated to radiotherapy, but it has as a second essential task to operate as users facility. In that scope it accelerates - during evening, night and weekend- many various ion species for basic experiments in biomedical science, physics, chemistry, material science, and so on. In order to serve all HIMAC users at best, the extension of the range of ion species is an important subject in ion source development at HIMAC. A PIG ion source mainly covers lighter ions from solid materials, while the 18GHz ECR ion source (called NIRS-HEC) is producing the heavier ions. Several developments on NIRS-HEC are now in progress. Various compounds are employed for the production of metallic ions by the MIVOC technique. In order to increase the beam intensity for heavier ions, additional microwave power is applied at a lower frequency by a traveling wave tube amplifier. Results of recent developments are reported.
MOPO-16 |
Operations of KVI AECRIS at AGOR Superconducting Cyclotron Facility
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- V. Mironov, J. P.M. Beijers, S. Brandenburg, H. R. Kremers, J. Mulder, S. Saminathan
KVI, Groningen
We present the status of ECRIS operation in KVI. Our work is mainly focused on improving the beam intensity and quality of highly charged ions for injection into the AGOR cyclotron. The main request was for Ne6+ ions to produce short-lived 21Na for fundamental physics studies. Typical beam intensities are 350 eμA. Several other ion beams were produced, e.g. C2+, C4+, C6+ and F4+. Overall performance of the source met the user requirements. We recently started again with Pb ion production, resulting in 25 eμA of Pb27+. Source output was gradually optimized, mainly by installing stainless steel screens at the injection and extraction sides of the ion source. A two-frequency heating system (14.5 + 12.5 GHz) has been installed and the first results will be presented.