Title |
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Pair Production as a Probe of Colliding Beam Size |
34 |
- P. Chen, J. Irwin, A. Spitkovsky (SLAC)
The Application of Lie Algebra Methods to PEP-II Design |
899 |
- J. Irwin, N. Walker, Y. T. Yan (SLAC)
Multipole Contribution from an Off-axis Orbit in an IR Quadrupole and the Consequences on the Dynamic |
956 |
- M. Sullivan, Y. Cai, H. DeStaebler, M. Donald, R. Helm, J. Irwin, H. Moshammer (SLAC), S. Caspi, E. Forest, D. Robin, A. Zholents (LBNL)
Sources of Amplitude Dependent Tune Shift in the PEP-II Design and their Compensation with Octupoles |
1033 |
- E. Forest, D. Robin, A. Zholents (LBNL), M. Donald, R. Helm, J. Irwin, H. Moshammer (SLAC)
Simulation of Beam-Beam Lifetime for LEP |
1356 |
- T. Chen, J. Irwin, R. Siemann (SLAC)