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MOA1C03 |
Stochastic Cooling for the FAIR Project
35 |
- F. Nolden, A. Dolinskii, C. Peschke
GSI, Darmstadt
Stochastic cooling is used in the framework of the FAIR project at GSI for the first stage of phase space compression for both rare isotope and antiproton rings. The collector ring CR serves for the precooling of rare isotope and antiproton beams. Stochastic accumulation will be used for the preparation of high intensity beams for experiments in the HESR or for the low-energy FLAIR facility. The technical and beam parameters of these systems are presented. Stochastic cooling in the HESR is treated in a different contribution.
TUA2C08 |
Lattice Considerations for the Collector and the Accumulator Rings of the FAIR Project
106 |
- A. Dolinskii, F. Nolden, M. Steck
GSI, Darmstadt
Two storage rings (Collector Ring (CR) and Recycled Experimental Storage Ring (RESR)) have been designed for efficient cooling, accumulation and deceleration of antiproton and rare isotopes beams. The large acceptance CR must provide efficient stochastic cooling of hot radioactive ions as well as antiproton beams. The RESR will be used as an accumulator of high intensity antiproton beams and a decelerator of rare isotopes. Different lattice structures have been considered in order to achieve good properties for the stochastic cooling and at the same time the maximum dynamic aperture. The structure of the ring lattices and its ion optical properties are described in this contribution. The beam dynamics stability and flexibility for operation in different modes are discussed.
THAP20 |
Internal Target Effects in the ESR Storage Ring with Cooling
210 |
- V. Gostishchev, C. Dimopoulou, A. Dolinskii, F. Nolden, M. Steck
GSI, Darmstadt
The accurate description of the internal target effects is important for the prediction of operation conditions which are required for the performance of experiments in the storage rings of the FAIR facility at GSI. A number of codes such as PTARGET, MOCAC, PETAG01 and BETACOOL have been developed to evaluate the beam dynamics in the storage ring, where an internal target in the combination with an electron cooling is applied. The systematic benchmarking experiments were carried out at the ESR storage ring at GSI. The zero dispersion mode (dispersion at target position is about 0 m) was applied to evaluate the influence of the dispersion function on the beam parameters when the internal target is ON. The influence of the internal target on the beam parameters is demonstrated. Comparison of the experimental results with the Bethe-Bloch formula describing the energy loss of the beam particles in the target as well as with simulations with the BETACOOL code will be given.