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TUBX01 |
Impedance and radiation generated by a ceramic chamber with RF shields and TiN coating
125 |
- Y. H. Chin, S. Lee, K. Takata, T. Toyama
KEK, Ibaraki
- Y. Shobuda
JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken
- H. Tsutsui
SHI, Tokyo
In the RCS (Rapid Cycle Synchrotron) ring of J-PARC, we use ceramic chambers with the interior TiN coating and exterior Cu RF shields in the magnet sections. A new theory has been developed for calculation of impedance in this unusual configuration. When it was applied to a prototype RCS ceramic chamber, the calculation results got good agreement with the measurement results. We also considered the dipole radiation from gaps between Cu shields of the ceramic chamber in the bending magnets. The effects turn out to be rather small thanks to the special configuration of the ceramic chambers. We measured the radiation from a ceramic break with and without RF shields and capacitors in the KEK, PS and found that the RF shields with capacitors considerably suppress the radiation from the ceramic break. We summarize all these studies in this paper.
TUBX02 |
Collective Transverse Instabilities in the GSI Synchrotrons
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- V. Kornilov, O. Boine-Frankenheim, I. Hofmann
GSI, Darmstadt
One of the primary challenges for the design of the FAIR synchrotrons at GSI Darmstadt is the high current operation close to the stability limits, with small tolerable beam losses. Collective instabilities are a potential limiting factor for the performance of the rings. We discuss results of experimental and numerical investigations of transverse collective beam behavior in the SIS 18 synchrotron. Also damping mechanisms in the presence of space charge, including the linear Landau damping and decoherence due to nonlinearities are discussed. These are the essential factors to define impedances budgets for the GSI synchrotrons. As a computational tool accounting the beam nonlinear dynamics with impedances and self-consistent space charge, the particle tracking code PATRIC is used.
TUBX03 |
Coupling impedance of the J-PARC kicker magnets
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- T. Toyama, Y. Hashimoto, E. Nakamura, Y. Shirakabe
KEK, Ibaraki
- J. Kamiya, Y. Shobuda
JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken
The single- and twin-wire measurements both for the longitudinal ( ZL ) and transverse impedances ( ZT ) will be discussed for the J-PARC kicker magnets: a lumped circuit kicker and several types of traveling wave kickers. The question if a position shifted single-wire can measure ZT is discussed. The measurement results are compared with the equivalent circuit analysis. The relation between the imaginary part of the impedance and causality will also be discussed.
TUBX05 |
Cures for beam instabilities in the CERN SPS and their limitations
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- E. N. Shaposhnikova
CERN, Geneva
The LHC beam in the SPS is unstable with a threshold almost an order of magnitude below the nominal intensity. The cures used to stabilise this beam against coupled bunch instabilities apart from beam feedback, feed-forward and longitudinal damping, include a fourth harmonic RF system and controlled emittance blow-up. The limitations of the two last methods were studied experimentally and are analysed here from the point of view of beam quality requirements at extraction and future intensity increases up to ultimate value.
TUBX06 |
Betatron Tune Shift due to Nonlinear Resistive-Wall Wake Field
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- F. Zimmermann
CERN, Geneva
I present formulae for the coherent and incoherent tune shifts of a single bunch traveling between two parallel resistive plates. It is shown that for the parameters of an LHC prototype collimator in the SPS, both the nonlinear wake-field components, calculated by Piwinski, and the correct time dependence, e.g., as derived by Burov and Lebedev, must be taken into account.