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MOBP01 |
ISIS Upgrades A Status Report
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- D. J.S. Findlay
CCLRC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon
Since 2002 several accelerator upgrades have been made to the ISIS spallation neutron source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, and upgrades are currently continuing in the form of the Second Target Station Project. The paper will review the upgrade processes, and will also look forward to possible future schemes at ISIS beyond the Second Target Station.
MOBP02 |
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- P. J. Spiller
GSI, Darmstadt
A new faciliy for antiproton and ion research (FAIR) is being planned and prepared to be built at GSI, Germany. R&D and prototype design is presently conducted at GSI and several other institutes worldwide, representing the future FAIR member states. Furthermore a major upgrade program for the running GSI accelerators, the heavy ion linac UNILAC and the heavy ion synchrotron SIS18 has been started. In parallel, the plannings for buildings and tunnels and the permit procedure for construction were launched. The new facility will consist of a two stage heavy ion synchrotron SIS100/300 for the generation of intense heavy ion and proton beams. These beams can be delivered wether as short compressed bunches for the production of secondary beams with subsequent processing in storage rings or as slow extracted beams with high duty cycle for fixed target experiments. The quality and intensity of the produced secondary beams (rare isotope and antiproton beams) will be significantly improved in a number of storage rings used for stacking, beam cooling and for internal target experiments.
MOBP03 |
Upgrade of BNL Accelerator Facility
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- A. G. Ruggiero
BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
A number of upgrades are planned for the Brookhaven accelerator facility that is primarily made of RHIC and its injector, the AGS. The RHIC luminosity and proton polarization are to evolve towards the Enhanced Design parameters by 2008. A new Electron Beam Ion Source is under development, and commissioning is expected in 2009. The aim of the RHIC II upgrade is to increase the heavy ion luminosity by an order of magnitude, through electron cooling in store. With the addition of an electron ring, the high-luminosity electron-ion collider proposal eRHIC can be realized. Studies have also been done for a new injector to the AGS replacing the present Booster for an upgrade of the beam average power to 1 MW at 28 GeV. The new injector to match the AGS repetition rate can be either a 1.5-GeV SCL or a FFAG accelerator. With the upgrade of the injector complex, neutrino superbeams could be produced.