MOAP  —  Plenary Session (I)   (29-May-06   09:00—12:00)

Paper Title Page
MOAP01 Approach to a very high intensity beam at J-PARC 1
  • Y. Yamazaki
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken
MOAP02 Recent Beam Commissioning Results from the Spallation Neutron Source 6
  • S. Henderson
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  The Spallation Neutron Source accelerator complex consists of a 2.5 MeV H- front-end injector system, a 186 MeV normal-conducting linear accelerator, a 1 GeV superconducting linear accelerator, an accumulator ring and associated beam transport lines. The beam commissioning campaign of the SNS accelerator complex, initiated in 2002, has been performed in seven discrete runs as each successive portion of the accelerator complex has been installed. The final beam commissioning run, in which beam was transported to the liquid mercury target was recently completed. In the course of beam commissioning, most beam performance parameters and beam intensity goals have been achieved at low duty factor. The beam performance and beam dynamics measurements of the linac and ring will be presented.  
MOAP03 Comparative Studies of Proton Accelerators for High Power Applications 11
  • W.-T. Weng
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  There are many applications need high power proton accelerators of various kinds. However, each type of proton accelerator can only provide beam with certain characteristics, hence the match of accelerators and their application needs careful evaluation. In this talk, the beam parameters and performance limitations of linac, cyclotron, synchrotron, and FFAG accelerators will be studied and their relative merits for application in muon, neutron, neutrino, and ADS assessed in terms of beam energy, intensity, bunch length, repetition rate, and beam power requirements. A possible match between the applications and the accelerator of choice will be presented in a matrix form. The accelerator physics and technology issues and challenges involved will also be covered.  
MOAP04 Recent progresses on FFAG accelerators 16
  • Y. Mori
    KURRI, Osaka