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WEAX02 |
Space charge simulation of J-PARC main ring
injection, space-charge, resonance, emittance |
177 |
- A. Y. Molodozhentsev, M. Tomizawa
KEK, Ibaraki
The space charge effect in combination with the intrinsic field nonlinearity like the sextupole nonlinearity, used for the chromaticity correction, could lead to significant particle losses in a high beam intensity proton machine. For J-PARC Main Ring (MR) the total particle losses at the rings collimator should be less than 1% from the expected maximum beam power of 45kW at the injection energy of 3GeV. To keep the particle losses during the injection process within the required limit it is necessary to optimize the beam parameters from the injector (J-PARC RCS), the collimator aperture of the beam-line from RCS to MR and the collimator aperture of MR. Influence of the structure and non-structure high-order resonances for different working points is discussed. The budget of the beam losses for different MR commissioning scenario is presented.
THBW01 |
Code benchmarking on induce space charge particle trapping
space-charge, emittance, resonance, synchrotron |
344 |