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WEAY05 |
New experimental results on electron cooling at COSY-Juelich
electron, proton, injection, ion |
223 |
WEBY04 |
Refined Models of Intrabeam Scattering
proton, emittance, damping, coupling |
265 |
- F. Zimmermann, F. Ruggiero
CERN, Geneva
We discuss two extensions of intrabeam-scattering theory. First, starting from the Bjorken-Mtingwa recipe, general formulae are derived for the three electro-magnetic intrabeam scattering growth rates, including non-ultrarelativistic terms and vertical dispersion, but maintaining a Gaussian beam approximation. A few applications demonstrate the importance of the vertical dispersion. Second, aside from electromagnetic interactions, hadrons may also undergo nuclear scattering off each other. We estimate the magnitude of this process, and argue that the loss rate due to nuclear intrabeam scattering could become significant in high-energy proton or ion storage rings, such as the LHC.
WEBZ03 |
A New High Rate Charged Particles Detector
hadron, controls, kaon, proton |
256 |
- Ph. Legou
CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette
Sextant is a new Beam Spectrometer. This detector is based on a Time Projection Chamber(TPC)principle, using a gaseous detector called Micromegas. Thus, we have a better efficiency, with the minimum amount of material in the way of the beam. Moreover, using the TPC technique, the Mesh of the detector is positioned outside the high intensity region covered by the beam. Peformances of this detecor are very good in a high intensity hadron beams (spatial resolution : 70μm and time resolution 600ps). The integration of the front end on the PCB led to a very low noise for the entire detector. Main characteristics of the preamplifier are 1ns of rise time and a very low noise, lower than 600 μV rms. Sextant is an evolution of KABES, a beam spectrometer on NA 48II at CERN. This concept have shown very good performances and robustness.
FRAP05 |
Summary of Working Group D
electron, ion, simulation, beam-cooling |
372 |
- A. V. Fedotov, J. Wei
BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
- I. N. Meshkov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region