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TUAX04 |
Test of a prototype active damping system for the e-p instability at the LANL PSR
damping, kicker, electron, impedance |
94 |
- R. J. Macek, R. C. McCrady, S. B. Walbridge, J. Zaugg
LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- S. Assadi, C. Deibele, S. Henderson, M. A. Plum
ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- J. M. Byrd
LBNL, Berkeley, California
- M. T.F. Pivi
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
Our collaboration from LANL, SNS, LBNL and SLAC has developed and successfully tested a prototype of an analog, transverse (vertical) feedback system for active damping of the two-stream (e-p) instability at the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (PSR). This system was able to improve the instability threshold (as measured by the RF buncher voltage) by ~30%. Beam leakage into the gap at lower RF buncher voltage and resulting higher growth rates from more trapped electrons is the likely cause of this limitation. We will describe the system configuration and results of several experimental tests of system performance. We will also discuss our studies and analysis of the factors limiting system performance.
TUBX05 |
Cures for beam instabilities in the CERN SPS and their limitations
synchrotron, emittance, beam-loading, injection |
153 |
- E. N. Shaposhnikova
CERN, Geneva
The LHC beam in the SPS is unstable with a threshold almost an order of magnitude below the nominal intensity. The cures used to stabilise this beam against coupled bunch instabilities apart from beam feedback, feed-forward and longitudinal damping, include a fourth harmonic RF system and controlled emittance blow-up. The limitations of the two last methods were studied experimentally and are analysed here from the point of view of beam quality requirements at extraction and future intensity increases up to ultimate value.
WEAY03 |
Experimental studies of stability issues at HIMAC cooler
ion, electron, resonance, injection |
197 |
- K. Noda, T. Fujisawa, T. Honma
NIRS, Chiba-shi
- M. Aiba, Y. Hashimoto
KEK, Ibaraki
- S. Shibuya
AEC, Chiba
- E. Syresin
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- T. Uesugi
KURRI, Osaka
We have investigated coherent transverse instability when high-density circulating-ion beam was obtained with cool-stacking injection in the HIMAC synchrotron. By using a cooled beam and the Oxygen gas-sheet beam profile monitor, further, we have observed a particle trapping in resonance crossing. We will report these experimental studies at the HIMAC synchrotron.
WEBY01 |
Commisioning of Electron Beam Cooling at S-LSR
electron, ion, beam-losses, proton |
247 |
- T. Shirai, S. Fujimoto, M. Ikegami, A. Noda, H. Souda, M. Tanabe, H. Tongu
Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto
- H. Fadil, M. Grieser
MPI-K, Heidelberg
- T. Fujimoto, S. I. Iwata, S. Shibuya
AEC, Chiba
- I. N. Meshkov, I. A. Seleznev, A. V. Smirnov, E. Syresin
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- K. Noda
NIRS, Chiba-shi
S-LSR is a new compact ion cooler ring at Kyoto University. The circumference is 22.557 m. The commissioning of the electron cooling was started using the 7 MeV proton beam from November, 2005. The total length of the electron cooler is 1.63 m. In order to maximize the effective cooling length in the limited space, the magnetic field of the solenoid and the troid coils was calculated precisely by the 3D code. The electrostatic deflector for the electron and the steering magnet for the ion are placed in the troid. The performances of these devices are evaluated by the cooling measurements. Experiments using the electron cooling are also stared. One is an induction sweep cooling of the proton beam. It is an cooling with the assist of the induction acceleration and possible to reduce the cooling time of the hot ion beams like secondary particles. We also observe the behavior of the cooled ion beam in the small ion number case and the large ion number case. We discuss about the possibility of the phase transition of the proton in the former case and discuss about the coherent instability conditions in the latter case.
WEBZ01 |
Correction of unevenness in Recycler beam profile
beam-loading, synchrotron, impedance, proton |
244 |
- K. Y. Ng, J. L. Crisp, M. Hu
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
When a beam is confined between two rf barriers in the Fermilab Recycler Ring, it is observed that the longitudinal beam profile between the barriers is in general very uneven (typically about 20% for a beam of intensity 5E11). This leads to the consequence that the momentum-mined antiproton bunches may have an intolerable variation in bunch intensity. It is shown that the observed unevenness in beam profile is the result of a tiny amount (around 2%) of rf potential imperfection and a tiny amount (around 0.5%) of rf beam loading. The beam profile can be made even by feeding back the unevenness of the effective rf potential to the low-level rf.
FRAP01 |
electron, simulation, impedance, emittance |
358 |
- F. Zimmermann
CERN, Geneva
- A. V. Burov
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
We summarize the presentations and discussions of the HB2006 Working Group A, devoted to beam instabilities, and of the joint session of Working Groups A, B (on space charge), and D (beam cooling and experiments). First we review the progress on conventional instabilities and impedances, and then the advances on electron cloud.