01 Computational Needs
Paper Title Page
SURDI1 Computational Challenges in ESS 1
  • H. Danared, M. Eshraqi, E. Laface, R. Miyamoto, S. Molloy, A. Ponton
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  The European Spallation Source, to be built in Lund, Sweden, will be based on a superconducting proton linac. Top-level linac parameters of 2.5 GeV energy, 50 mA pulse current, 14 Hz pulse repetition rate and 2.86 ms pulse length result in 5 MW average beam power and 125 MW peak power. General challenges for the accelerator design and construction range from minimizing beam losses to prototyping, manufacturing and installing the large quantity of RF power soures. The presentation will give an overview of the ESS project and give specific examples of computational challenges related to the beam dynamics of the linac.  
slides icon Slides SURDI1 [11.623 MB]  
MOAAI1 Project Overview and Computational Needs to Measure Electric Dipole Moments at Storage Rings 7
  • A. Lehrach
    FZJ, Jülich, Germany
  The discovery of a non-zero EDM (Electric Dipole Moment) would be a signal for “new physics” beyond the standard model. EDM experiments with charged particles are only possible at storage rings. As a first step towards EDM searches in storage rings we proposed R&D work to be carried out at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY, then perform a first direct EDM measurement of a charged particle in a storage ring at COSY and on a longer time scale construct a dedicated storage ring. Full spin-tracking simulations of the entire experiment are absolutely crucial to explore the feasibility of the planned experiments. It is planned to use the COSY-INFINITY code and its updates to include higher-order nonlinearities, normal form analysis, symplectic tracking and especially spin tracking upon incorporation of RF-E/B spin flippers into the code. Adding the spin degree of freedom substantially enhances the need for the computing power. In order to study subtle effects and simulate particle and spin dynamics during the storage and build-up of the EDM signal, one needs custom-tailored fast trackers capable of following up to 100 billion turns for samples of up to 106 particles.  
slides icon Slides MOAAI1 [3.341 MB]  
Beam Optics Analysis of Large-acceptance Superconducting In-flight Separator BigRIPS at RIKEN RI Beam Factory  
  • T. Kubo, N. Fukuda, N. Inabe, D. Kameda, K. Kusaka, H. Suzuki, H. Takeda
    RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan
  The BigRIPS in-flight separator serves to produce rare isotope (RI) beams at RIKEN RI Beam Factory, in which studies of exotic nuclei are extensively made. It is characterized by large acceptances and two-stage structure, allowing efficient production of RI beams using in-flight fission and high resolving power in particle identification (PID). The large acceptances are achieved by using iron-dominated superconducting quadrupoles with large apertures and high pole-tip fields. The PID is made in the second-stage of BigRIPS, in which precise momentum measurement is performed by trajectory reconstruction using ion-optical transfer maps and measured ion-trajectories. Elaborate beam optics calculation and analysis are essential to tune ion optics and achieve high PID resolving power, because the quadrupoles have large fringe-field regions and their field distribution varies largely as the iron is saturated. The optics calculation has to be made based on precise field map data measured as a function of field strength. In this talk we outline computational needs in the BigRIPS separator, emphasizing the method and analysis of beam optics calculations and comparison with measurements.  
slides icon Slides MOABI1 [4.126 MB]  
WEP07 Traveling Poles Elimination Scheme and Calculations of External Quality Factors of HOMs in SC Cavities 152
  • T. Galek, T. Flisgen, U. van Rienen
    Rostock University, Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Rostock, Germany
  • A. Neumann
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • B. Riemann
    DELTA, Dortmund, Germany
  Funding: Funded by EU FP7 Research Infrastructure Grant No. 227579 and funding approved by German Federal Ministry of Research & Education, Project: 05K10HRC
The main scope of this work is the automation of the extraction procedure of the external quality factors Qext of Higher Order Modes (HOMs) in Superconducting (SC) radio frequency cavities [*]. The HOMs are generated by charged particle beams traveling at the speed of light through SC cavity. The HOMs decay very slowly, depending on localization inside the structure and cell-to-cell coupling, and may influence succeeding charged particle bunches. Thus it is important, at the SC cavity design optimization stage, to calculate the Qext of HOMs. The Traveling Poles Elimination (TPE) scheme has been used on scattering parameters spectra to obtain external quality factors. The combination of Coupled S-Parameter Calculations (CSC) method and vector fitting procedure allows us to study very complicated structures in much better details and almost automated extraction of HOMs' Qext factors. The results are also reasserted by careful eigenmode analysis of the SC cavity. The S-Parameter and eigenmode simulations were performed using CST Microwave Studio.
*Axel Neumann et al., "Status of the HOM Calculations for the BERLinPro Main Linac Cavity", FRAAC3 (this conference)
SRF Cavity and Cryomodule Design with ACE3P  
  • C. Ko, L. Ge, K.H. Lee, Z. Li, C.-K. Ng, L. Xiao
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: USDOE
Based on the conformal higher finite-element method implemented on parallel computing platforms, ACE3P is extending its capabilities to meet the computational needs for the design of SRF cavities and cryomodules. These requirements include accurate electromagnetic field computations to obtain the optimal cavity shape for maximum accelerating gradient and to find the high order modes (HOMs) excited by the bunch train in a cavity chain. In addition, multipacting simulation is important to the SRF cavity and coupler development as well as electro-mechanical calculations to model the Lorentz force detuning. Results from ACE3P efforts that address these effects for the design of SRF cavity and cryomodule will be presented.
FRAAI1 Computational Needs for RF Design of Superconducting Cavities 270
  • A. Lunin, T.N. Khabiboulline, V.P. Yakovlev
    Fermilab, Batavia, USA
  Funding: Operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No.DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the U.S. Department of Energy.
The computational approaches assure essential guidance and order for the design of a superconducting cavities and cryomodules. The nature of superconductivity requires precise surface electromagnetic fields computation in order to design the cavity shape with a maximum accelerating gradient. At the same time the thickness of the cavity shell is limited by the ability to cool it down the temperature of liquid He, which makes the mechanical stability of the cavity and liquid He vessel assembly extremely important. Hence, it demands a self consistent electro-mechanical optimization in order to minimize microphonics and/or Lorentz force detuning phenomena. Specific challenges are an estimation of RF losses caused by the interaction of the passing beam with SC cavity and a multipactor analysis in the SC cavity and RF coupler. Finally the irregular time structure of a beam train with its own dense spectra may stochastically induce HOM fields in a cavity which results the beam emittance dilution. The study of these effects leads to specifications of SC cavity and cryomodule and can significantly impact on the efficiency and reliability of the superconducting linac operation.
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FRAAC3 Status of the HOM Calculations for the BERLinPro Main Linac Cavity 278
  • A. Neumann, W. Anders, J. Knobloch
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • K. Brackebusch, T. Flisgen, T. Galek, K. Papke, U. van Rienen
    Rostock University, Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Rostock, Germany
  • B. Riemann, T. Weis
    DELTA, Dortmund, Germany
  Funding: Work supported by Federal Ministry for Research and Education BMBF under contract 05K10HRC
The Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Project (BERLinPro) is designed to develop and demonstrate CW LINAC technology and expertise required to drive next-generation Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs). Strongly higher order mode (HOM) damped multicell 1.3 GHz cavities are required for the main linac. The cavity under study is an integrated design of the Cornell base cell with JLab HOM waveguide couplers. Modifications to the end group design have also been pursued, including the substitution of one waveguide by a HZB-modified TTF-III power coupler. In this talk the progress in HOM calculations to avoid beam-breakup instabilities for the favored cavity structure will be presented.
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