Paper | Title | Page |
TUO3LR01 | Understanding Beam Losses in High Intensity Proton Accumulator Rings | 192 |
Funding: U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 Beam losses and the resulting radio-activation of accelerator components are major considerations governing the operations, development and performance of medium-energy, high-intensity proton accumulator rings such as the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (PSR). Several beam loss mechanisms contribute including beam scattering (nuclear and large angle Coulomb scattering) in the injection foil, production of excited states of H0 in the H− injection stripper foil that subsequently field strip in the magnetic fields down stream of the foil, halo growth from space charge effects, beam instabilities and losses from the fast extraction process. This talk will cover progress in the diagnosis, measurement, and modeling of beam losses at PSR with some comparisons to other rings. The roles the computer codes MAD8*, ORBIT**, G4Beamline***, and others used in modeling beam losses will be discussed and the modeling results compared with relevant experimental data. Concepts and prospects for future improvements such as laser striping for injection will be discussed at the end of the presentation. * F. Christoph Iselin, The MAD Program, 1994, CERN-BE/ABP ** J. A. Holmes, ICFA BD Newsletter, No 30, page100, 2003. *** Muons, Inc, G4Beamline, |
Slides TUO3LR01 [1.947 MB] | ||
Funding: Work supported by Fermilab Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy. The Fermilab Proton Source is in the process of an upgrade referred to as the Proton Improvement Plan (PIP). [1] One PIP goal is to have Booster capable of delivering ~2.3·1017 protons/hour, 130% higher than the present typical flux of ~1017 protons/hour. The increase will be achieved mainly by increasing the Booster beam cycle rate from 9 Hz to 15 Hz. Beam loss due to the increased flux will need to be controlled, so as not to create larger integrated doses. The status of present operations and progress of beam studies will be discussed in this paper. |
Slides TUO3LR02 [3.313 MB] | ||
TUO3LR03 | High Intensity Loss Mechanisms on the ISIS Rapid Cycling Synchrotron | 203 |
ISIS is the spallation neutron source at the Rutherford Appleton laboratory in the UK. Operation centres on a loss limited, 800 MeV, 50 Hz proton synchrotron which delivers 0.2 MW to two targets. Understanding loss mechanisms on the ISIS ring is important for optimal operation, machine developments and upgrades, as well as improving understanding for future machines. The high space charge levels, combined with the low loss achieved for high power operation, makes the ring an ideal tool for studying the physics of beam loss, particularly in a fast ramping context. The ability to reconfigure the beam in storage ring mode, and ongoing developments of diagnostics and beam measurements, are allowing detailed studies of image effects, resonances, beam stability and activation. We summarise recent work and progress on these topics, comparing with theory and simulation where appropriate. | ||
Slides TUO3LR03 [2.534 MB] | ||