MOPOT —  Poster Session 1   (23-Aug-10   16:10—17:50)
Paper Title Page
MOPOT001 Operation of KeiGM for the Carbon Ion Therapy Facility at Gunma University 40
  • M. Muramatsu, S. Hojo, A. Kitagawa
    NIRS, Chiba-shi, Japan
  • Y. Kijima
    Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Energy & Public Infrastructure Systems Center, Kobe, Japan
  • H. Miyazaki, K. Sawada, T. Ueno
    SHI, Ehime, Japan
  • K. Torikai, S. Yamada
    Gunma University, Heavy-Ion Medical Research Center, Maebashi-Gunma, Japan
  • M. Tsuchiyama, S. Ueda
    Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Energy Systems Centre, Kobe, Japan
  Carbon-ion radiotherapy has been carried out at Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical Centre (GHMC) since March 2010. A compact ECR ion source for GHMC, so-called KeiGM, supplies C4+ ions for treatment. A microwave source with the traveling-wave-tube was adopted for KeiGM, with a frequency range and maximum power of 9.75 - 10.25 GHz and 750 W, respectively. KeiGM was operated from March to May 2010 for the clinical trial without any trouble and maintenance. KeiGM supplied the carbon ions from 7:30 in the morning to 0:00 midnight on weekdays. Sometimes it was operated for the beam tuning of accelerator on Saturday and Sunday too. The operation time of KeiGM for two months was about 780 hours. Although the beam intensity decreased by 20% at first, it has been constant for the last two months. The beam intensity of C4+ was 200 euA at 30 kV extraction in May 2010. The fluctuation of beam intensity was less than 10%. The operation parameters were as follows; the microwave frequency and power were 10.042 GHz and 300 W, respectively. CH4 gas was fed, and the gas flowrate was 0.054 cc/min. The extraction voltage was 30 kV. The repetition frequency and pulse width were 0.36 Hz and 50 msec, respectively. Gunma University has successfully treated the first 12 patients for the clinical trial, thus the Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor Welfare approved GHMC as “advanced medicine”. We will report the operation of KeiGM and the status of their daily treatment.  
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MOPOT002 Two-Chamber Configuration of the Bio-Nano ECRIS 43
  • T. Uchida, H. Minezaki, Y. Yoshida
    Toyo University, Kawagoe-shi, Saitama, Japan
  • T. Asaji, K. Tanaka
    Tateyama Machine Co. Ltd., Toyama-shi, Japan
  • S. Biri, R. Rácz
    ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary
  • Y. Kato
    Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka, Japan
  • A. Kitagawa, M. Muramatsu
    NIRS, Chiba-shi, Japan
  The Bio-Nano ECRIS was designed for new materials production on nano-scale [1]. Our main target is the endohedral fullerene, which have potential in medical care, biotechnology and nanotechnology. In particular, iron-encapsulated fullerene can be applied as a contrast material for magnetic resonance imaging or microwave heat therapy. There are several promising approaches to produce the endohedral fullerenes using an ECRIS. One of them is the ion-ion collision reaction of fullerenes and aliens ions to be encapsulated in the mixture plasma of them. Another way is the shooting of ion beam into a pre-prepared fullerene layer. In this study, the new device configuration of the Bio-Nano ECRIS is reported which allows the application of both methods. The plasma chamber is divided into two chambers by installing mesh electrodes. In the gas injection-side 1st chamber at 2.45 GHz plasmas (N2, Ar, He, Fe,…) are produced on the usual way. These ions then are extracted to the 2nd chamber where an evaporation boat for fullerene is installed. The fullerene neutrals can be ionized (using 10 GHz in the 2nd chamber) and are deposited on a large plasma electrode where they are continuously irradiated by the ions from the 1st chamber. The ions produced either in the 1st or 2nd chamber can be in-situ extracted and analyzed. The basic concept and the preliminary results using Ar gas and N2 gas plasmas will be presented.
[1] T. Uchida et al., Proc. ECRIS08, Chicago, USA, pp. 27-31 (2008)
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MOPOT003 Study of Potential Application of Compact ECRIS to Analytical System 46
  • M. Kidera
    RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan
  • S. Enomoto
    Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan
  • S. Kishi, Y. Seto
    National Research Institute of Police Science, Chiba, Japan
  • T. Nagamatsu, T. Tanaka
    Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Engineering Division I, Tokyo, Japan
  • K. Takahashi
    RIKEN, Saitama, Japan
  A place of an activity of ECR ion sources is not only ion source on a heavy ion accelerator facility. A highly ionization efficiency, flexibility of ionized sample, low consumption rate in sample, and non-equilibrium ECR plasma, etc. that a ECR ion source have, may be needed in other fields at time. We have developed several kinds of small ECRISs that have customized for the analysis. The purposes of the analysis are, precise measurement of isotope ratio of a metal element, detection of chemical warfare agents, and detection of produced molecular (or fragment) ions by the ECR plasma. In this workshop, we will report the compact ECRISs by a permanent magnet type for the analytical system.  
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MOPOT004 Neutralisation of Accelerated Ions and Detection of Resulting Neutrals 49
  • T. Peleikis, L. Panitzsch, M. Stalder
    IEAP, Kiel, Germany
  At the University of Kiel, the Department of Experimental and Applied Physics is running an ECR ion source in order to, amongst others, calibrate space instruments designed to measure solar wind properties and suprathermal particles. The ion source is able to produce medium to highly charged ions which are then accelerated by an electrostatic field up to 400keV per charge. In order to extend the particle spectrum from ions to neutral atoms we are planning to install a device for the beam particle neutralisation. It will be used to calibrate instruments which measure neutral particles. This device will be located downstream from the sector magnet and the acceleration-stage. The sector magnet separates the ions by their m/q ratio. This way the type and the energy of the ions can be determined before the neutralisation. Neutralisation can be achieved either by passing the ions through a thin carbon foil (thickness ~88nm) or through a gastarget (thickness ~6mm, pressure ~0.1mbar) where charge-exchange occur. The remaining ions behind the neutraliser will be suppressed by an electrostatic separator. Both methods will alter the beam properties and lead to a divergence in energy and an angular spread of the beam. Simulations regarding these effects will be discussed. The overall progress on this project will be presented.  
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MOPOT005 High Current Production with 2.45 GHz ECR Ion Source 50
  • A. Coly, T. Lamy, T. Thuillier
    LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
  • G. Gaubert, A.C.C. Villari
  A new test bench has been installed at LPSC dedicated to 2.45 GHz ECR Ion Sources characterization. Several magnetic structures have been tested around the same plasma cavity. For example, a current density of 70 mA/cm2 has been measured with the MONO1000 source lent by GANIL. An original ECRIS, named SPEED (for 'Source d'ions à aimants PErmanents et Extraction Dipôlaire'), presenting a dipolar magnetic field at the extraction will also be presented.  
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MOPOT006 Ionization Efficiency of a COMIC Ion Source Equipped With a Quartz Plasma Chamber 51
  • P. Suominen, T. Stora
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • J. Médard, P. Sortais
    LPSC, Grenoble, France
  The ISOLDE facility at CERN produces a wide range of radioactive ion beams due to a long history on target and ion source development. Because the radioactive isotope production is very limited, the most important ion source parameters are high ionization efficiency, selectivity and reliable operation under intense radiation. Currently used ion sources (mainly laser (RILIS [1]) and arc discharge -type ion sources (VADIS [2]) do not efficiently ionize light noble gases, such as helium, and molecules, such as CO, N2 and NO. These beams were previously planned to be produced with 1+ ECR ion sources operating at 2.45 GHz (for example MINIMONO [3]) but due to new and more efficient RF coupling of COMIC-type ion sources [4], we expect to advance in 2.45 GHz ECRIS utilization for radioactive beam production. The new COMIC source designed by LPSC, Grenoble incorporates special features such as a plasma chamber fully made of quartz (Q-COMIC). This should provide chemically good conditions for molecular ion beam production, especially for carbon. This paper presents the first ionization efficiency measurements of the Q-COMIC.
[1] V.N. Fedosseev, et al, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 266/19-20 (2008) 4378.
[2] PhD thesis, univ. polyt. Bucarest, L. Penescu (2009).
[3] F. Wenander, W. Farabolini, G. Gaubert, P. Jardin, J. Lettry, Nucl. Phys. A, 746 (2004) 659.
[4] P. Sortais, T. Lamy, J. Médard, J. Angot, L. Latrasse, and T. Thuillier, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81 (2010) 02B314.
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MOPOT008 He2+ Source Based on Penning Discharge with Additional 75 GHz ECR Heating 54
  • A. Vodopyanov, S. Golubev, I. Izotov, A. Mansfeld
    IAP/RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
  • G. Yushkov
    Institute of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Russia
  It is well known that one can reach high average charge of ions in the ECR plasma by increasing plasma density and decreasing neutral gas pressure. ECR discharge could be realized at very low gas pressure, but discharge startup takes longer time when gas pressure is low. So, it is impossible to realize ECR discharge with limited microwave heating pulse duration at gas pressure lower certain threshold value. This problem could be solved with help of trigger plasma, which should be ignited at low gas pressure in the trap with high magnetic field. This fore plasma could help to decrease ECR plasma startup time significantly and make it possible to realize ECR plasma at very low pressure in pulse operation regime. We suggest penning type discharge as a trigger discharge for fast startup of pulsed ECR plasma. Penning type discharge glows at as low pressure as needed. Discharge was realized in the simple mirror magnetic trap at pressure about 10-5 mbar. Helium was used as an operating gas. Significant plasma density (about 1011 cm-3) was obtained at the moment just before microwave heating pulse started. Gyrotron radiation with frequency of 75 GHz, microwave power up to 200 kW and pulse duration up to 1 ms, was used for plasma heating. In the present work the fully striped helium ions were demonstrated, average charge of ions in the plasma was equal 2. Temporal evolution of charge state distribution was investigated. Charge state distribution over helium pressure was also studied.  
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MOPOT010 The Light Ion Guide CB-ECRIS Project at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute 55
  • G. Tabacaru
    Texas A&M University, Cyclotron Institute, College Station, USA
  • J. Ärje
    JYFL, Jyväskylä, Finland
  • D.P. May
    Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute, College Station, Texas, USA
  Texas A&M is currently configuring a scheme for the production of radioactive-ion beams that incorporates a light-ion guide (LIG) coupled with an ECRIS constructed for charge-boosting (CB-ECRIS). This scheme is part of an upgrade to the Cyclotron Institute and is intended to produce radioactive beams suitable for injection into the K500 superconducting cyclotron. The principle of operation is the following: a primary beam from the K150 cyclotron interacts with a production target placed in the gas cell. A continuous flow of helium gas maintains a constant pressure of 500 mbar maximum in the cell. Recoils are thermalized in the helium buffer gas and ejected from the cell within the gas flow through a small exit hole. The positively charged recoil ions (1+) are guided into a 2.5 m long, rf-only hexapole and will be transported in this manner on-axis into the CB-ECRIS. The CB-ECRIS operates at 14.5 GHz and has been specially constructed by Scientific Solutions of San Diego, California for charge-boosting. An overview of the entire project will be presented with details on different construction phases. Specific measurements and results will be presented as well as future development plans.  
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MOPOT011 DRAGON: a New 18 GHz RT ECR Ion Source with a Large Plasma Chamber 58
  • W. Lu, D. Xie, X.Z. Zhang, H.W. Zhao
    IMP, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  • W. Lu
    Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • L. Ruan, F.C. Song, B. Xiong, S. Yu, J. Yuan
    IEE, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  Building a strong radial magnetic field with a permanent hexapole magnet for an ECRIS is extremely challenging so that the conventional wisdom requires a small but not optimal plasma chamber that is typically of ID less or equal to 80 mm. A new 18 GHz RT ECR ion source, DRAGON, has been designed with a large bore permanent hexapole and source construction has begun at IMP. Its plasma chamber is of ID of 126 mm, the same as that of the superconducting ion source SECRAL, with maximum radial field strength reaching 1.5 Tesla at the plasma chamber wall. The overall magnetic strengths of DRAGON, with maximum axial fields of 2.7 Tesla at the injection and 1.3 Tesla at the extraction, are very similar to those of SECRAL operating at 18 GHz and hopefully the SECRAL performance. The source solenoid magnet coils are cooled by an evaporative coolant at about 50 degree C. In addition, the source is thickly insulated for beam extraction at 50 kV and higher voltage up to 100 kV can be explored. This article will present the design details and discussions of this new ion source.  
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MOPOT012 Tests of the Versatile Ion Source (VIS) for High Power Proton Beam Production 61
  • S. Gammino, G. Castro, L. Celona, G. Ciavola, D. Mascali, R. Miracoli
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  • G. Adroit, O. Delferrière, R. Gobin, F. Senée
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  • F. Maimone
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  The sources adapted to beam production for high power proton accelerators must obey to the request of high brightness, stability and reliability. The Versatile Ion Source (VIS) is based on permanent magnets (maximum value around 0.1 T on the chamber axis) producing an off-resonance microwave discharge. It operates up to 75 kV without a bulky high voltage platform, producing several tens of mA of proton beams and monocharged ions. The microwave injection system and the extraction electrodes geometry have been designed in order to optimize the beam brightness. Moreover, the VIS source ensures long time operations without maintenance and high reliability in order to fulfil the requirements of the future accelerators. A description of the main components and of the source performances will be given. A brief summary of the possible options for next developments of the project will be also presented, particularly for pulsed mode operations, that are relevant for some future projects (e.g. the European Spallation Source of Lund).  
MOPOT013 MONOBOB II : Latest Results of Monocharged Ion Source for SPIRAL2 Project 64
  • M. Dubois, O. Bajeat, C. Barue, C. Canet, M. Dupuis, J.L. Flambard, R. Frigot, P. Jardin, C. Leboucher, N. Lecesne, P. Lecomte, P. Lehérissier, F. Lemagnen, L. Maunoury, O. Osmond, J.Y. Pacquet, A. Pichard
    GANIL, Caen, France
  MONOBOB II is an electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) based on a cylindrical symmetry magnetic structure [1]. It has been designed for the SPIRAL2 project in order to ionize radioactive gases coming from the production targets of the Target Ion Source System (TISS). The goal is to build a long-lived ECRIS with the aim of running three months in the hostile environment of the production target while keeping high ionization efficiencies. The Target Ion Source System has been tested using noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe), with and without target in order to observe the behavior of the source coupled to the target. Currently, the target is made of ~1000 carbon slices, having the same geometry as the final UCx target. So far, its temperature has been limited to 1500°C. Ionization efficiencies and response times of the TISS have been measured versus gases and target temperature [2]. Results should lead to determine the maximum radioactive ion production which can be reasonably expected with the final TISS. The status of this development will be presented.  
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MOPOT014 The Design of 28 GHz ECR Ion Source for the Compact Linear Accelerator in Korea 67
  • M. Won, B.S. Lee
    Korea Basic Science Institute, Busan, Republic of Korea
  The construction of a compact linear accelerator is in progress by Korea Basic Science Institute. The main capability of this facility is the production of multiply ionized metal clusters and the generation more intense beams of highly charged ions for material, medical and nuclear physical research. To produce the intense beam of highly charged ions, we will construct an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) using 28 GHz microwaves. For this ECRIS, The design of a superconducting magnet, microwave inlet, beam extraction and plasma chamber was completed. Also we are constructing a superconducing magnet system. In this presentation, we will report the current status of development of our 28 GHz ECRIS.  
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MOPOT015 The Design Study of Superconducting Magnet System for an Advanced ECR Ion Source 68
  • B.S. Lee, M. Won
    Korea Basic Science Institute, Busan, Republic of Korea
  Funding: This work was supported by KBSI grant (D30300) to M.S.Won
The Korea Basic Science Institute is developing a superconducting magnet system for 28 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Souce (ECRIS). We are invetigating in order to realize compact size, economic operation and generation of high current beam. Although companies and researchers have valuable experience, skill and ability in designing of superconducting magnet for ECRIS, they did not exactly proposed a excellent superconducting magnet system for ECRIS because many superconducting magnets were not required. Of course they do if we requried many magnets for the various appliation of ECRIS. In this presentation, we have filed reports of former reseacher and we have discussed the realization of ECRIS over 35 GHz.
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MOPOT016 A Low Power Survey of Radial-Offset Axial Sputtering and High Intensity Uranium Production from Axial Sputtering in SuSI 69
  • D.G. Cole, G. Machicoane, T. Ropponen, L.T. Sun, L. Tobos
    NSCL, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
  Prototype sputtering hardware has been tested in the SuSI ion source and early uranium ion production is discussed. Also, results of a low power survey of axial sputtering, to test sputtering efficiency at incremental radial offsets from on axis position, is reported.  
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MOPOT017 Tests of a New Axial Sputtering Technique in an ECRIS 72
  • R.H. Scott, R.C. Pardo, R.C. Vondrasek
    ANL, Argonne, USA
  Funding: This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.
Axial and radial sputtering techniques have been used over the years to create beams from an ECRIS at multiple accelerator facilities. Operational experience has shown greater beam production when using the radial sputtering method versus axial sputtering. At Argonne National Laboratory, previous work with radial sputtering has demonstrated that the position of the sputter sample relative to the plasma chamber wall influences sample drain current, beam production and charge state distribution. The possibility of the chamber wall acting as a ground plane which influences the sputtering of material has been considered, and an attempt has been made to mimic this possible ground plane effect with a coaxial sample introduced from the injection end. Results of these tests will be shown as well as comparisons of outputs using the two methods.
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