Author: Doebert, S.     [Döbert, S.]
Paper Title Page
MOPO020 Beam Dynamics Studies and Instrumentation Tests for Bunch Length Measurements at CLEAR 74
MOOP08   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • L. Garolfi, M. Bergamaschi, R. Corsini, A. Curcio, S. Döbert, W. Farabolini, D. Gamba, I. Gorgisyan
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • C. Bruni, P. Lepercq, H. Purwar, C. Vallerand
    LAL, Orsay, France
  • W. Farabolini
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  A new CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research (named CLEAR) has been installed as a general-purpose user facility to study novel accelerating techniques, high-gradient structures, instrumentation and irradiation experiments. CLEAR is a flexible accelerator that can provide high quality bunched electron beams with a wide range of beam parameters up to an energy of 220 MeV, offering several testing capabilities. Among all the potential applications, novel accelerating techniques, such as plasma acceleration and THz generation are considered. These applications require shorter bunches, down to the 100 fs level. This paper reports on beam dynamics studies and instrumentation tests to establish a bunch length of this order in CLEAR. The short bunches are generated using adiabatic bunching in the first accelerating structure. For bunch length diagnostic CLEAR is equipped with a streak camera and a transverse deflecting cavity. Alternatively a phase-scan of the last accelerating structure could be used as well to estimate the bunch length. The experimental results with respect to these different techniques are presented and compared with simulations.  
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About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 20 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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TH1A04 The Proton Driven Advanced Wake Field Acceleration Experiment (AWAKE) at CERN 642
  • S. Döbert
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (AWAKE) aims at studying plasma wake field generation and electron acceleration driven by proton bunches. It is a proof-of-principle R&D experiment at CERN and the world’s first proton driven plasma wake field acceleration experiment. The experiment uses the 400 GeV proton beam from the SPS which travels through a 10 m long Rb-vapour plasma cell where it gets self-modulated and generates the plasma wake fields. Eventually an electron beam is injected externally to probe the wake-fields. AWAKE will has completed several experimental campaigns starting in 2016. Results from the initial characterization of the plasma cell and measurements of the seeded self-modulation of the proton beam will be presented. Experiments to accelerate externally injected electrons using the proton driven plasma wake fields will start in 2018 and first results will be reported.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※  
About • paper received ※ 12 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 21 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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THPO132 Study of the Electron Beam Transfer Line for the AWAKE RUN II Experiment at CERN 962
SPWR036   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • S.Y. Kim, M. Chung
    UNIST, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
  • M. Dayyani
    IPM, Tehran, Iran
  • S. Döbert
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  Proton Beam-Driven Plasma Wakefield Accelerator (PBD-PWFA) has been actively investigated at CERN within the AWAKE experiments to study the electron beam acceleration using plasma wake fields of the order of GV/m. In the AWAKE RUN 1 experiment an electron beam with an energy of 19 MeV and a bunch length of 2.2 ps rms has been used for the first demonstration of electron beam acceleration in the plasma wake fields. It has been observed that the energy gain of the electron beam is up to 2 GeV, and electron capture efficiency is few percent. Higher capturing efficiency and emittance preservation could be achieved by making the electron beam short enough to be injected only into the acceleration and focusing phase of the plasma wake fields. The electron accelerator needs to be upgraded for AWAKE RUN 2 experiments to obtain a bunch length less than 100 fs which corresponds to a quarter of the plasma wavelength. Planned electron beam parameters for the AWAKE RUN 2 are a beam charge of 100 pC, and a beam energy larger than 50 MeV. In this paper, we show the electron beam parameters for RUN 2, and the parameters of the transfer line such as Twiss parameters, beam envelope, and emittance.
UNIST, Ulsan, 44919, Korea
Institute For Research in Fundamental Sciences, 19395-5531, Tehran, Iran
CERN, Geneva 1211, Switzerland
DOI • reference for this paper ※  
About • paper received ※ 11 September 2018       paper accepted ※ 20 September 2018       issue date ※ 18 January 2019  
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