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Paper Title Other Keywords Page
MO-85 Design Study of a Four Vane RFQ for High Duty Cycle Operation rfq, dipole, cavity, quadrupole 275
  • U. Ratzinger, E. Malwitz, M. Rau
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
TH-06 Upgrade of the HLI-RFQ Accelerator (Oral Poster) rfq, UNILAC, ion, emittance 704
  • J. Klabunde, E. Malwitz
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • J. Friedrich, A. Schempp
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
TH-08 Beam Dynamics Simulation in a Four-Rod RFQ rfq, alignment, emittance, quadrupole 710
  • J. Klabunde, P. Spädtke
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • A.A. Kolomiets, S.G. Yaramishev
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
TH-19 The IH Linac of the CERN Lead Injector CERN, ion, linac, rfq 743
  • N. Angert, W. Bleuel, H. Gaiser, G. Hutter, E. Malwitz, R. Popescu, M. Rau, U. Ratzinger
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • Y. Bylinsky, H.D. Haseroth, H. Kugler, R. Scrivens, E. Tanke, D.J. Warner
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
TH-20 Low-Frequency High-Current Spiral-RFQ Injectors rfq, ion, emittance, UNILAC 746
  • A. Schempp, U. Bessler, H. Deitinghoff, A. Kipper, T. Sieber
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
  • J. Klabunde, P. Spädtke
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany