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Weisse, S.

Paper Title Page
MOD002 TINE Release 4.1: Responding to the User's Needs 31
  • P. Duval, P. K. Bartkiewicz, S. W. Herb, M. Lomperski
    DESY, Hamburg
  • S. Weisse
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
  In the period between the shutdown of the HERA collider and the commissioning of the PETRA 3 synchrotron light source the TINE* control system was upgraded and modernized to the next major release level, namely 4.0. Many of the new features and capabilities have been reported before**. As can be expected, when what was 'designed and planned' is actually put to use, various imperfections and deficiencies begin to surface, the natural 'enemy' of the developer being the 'user'. To this end there has been a slow and iterative progression toward TINE Release 4.1 which will be reported on here. Many of the embellishments involve improving data transfer efficiency (such as enforcing the use of multi-channel arrays even when the user makes single channel calls) or meeting the user's expectations of what should be possible (such as allowing variable-length TINE data types to appear within TINE data structures). In addition, TINE Central services have been more systematically integrated into the protocol.  
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MOD003 TINE Video System: Proceedings on Redesign 34
  • S. Weisse, D. Melkumyan
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
  • P. Duval
    DESY, Hamburg
  Funding: <have to find this out, will be filled in later>

Experience has shown that imaging software and hardware installations at accelerator facilities needs to be changed, adapted and updated on a semi-permanent basis. The past TINE-based Video System*, initiated at PITZ**, has undergone a thorough redesign after years of operation and upgrading in order to extend interoperability and cope with new challenges while still staying flexible. Emphasis was placed on flexibility, avoiding redundancies, good documentation, component-based architecture, multi-platform capability and ease of use as well as reuse. This contribution will show the current status of the redesign as well as the near and far future outlook. The main focus is put on the Java-based TINE ACOP Video Bean and its integration into jDDD and COMA, PNG file format support, core applications and services as well as universal slow control for cameras. Moreover, the Video System acts as a basis for advanced high-level software applications such as semiautomatic Emittance Measurement Wizard (EMWiz). Although the outlined Video System implementation is integrated into TINE control system***, it is modular enough so that integration into other control systems can be considered.

* S. Weisse et al., "Status of a versatile Video System at PITZ, DESY-2 and EMBL Hamburg", ICALEPCS 2007, Knoxville, TN, USA
** http://pitz.desy.de
*** http://tine.desy.de

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TUP034 New ACOP Beans and TINE General Purpose Diagnostic Applications 161
  • P. Duval, M. Lomperski
    DESY, Hamburg
  • J. Bobnar, I. Kriznar, T. Kusterle
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  • S. Weisse
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
  One of the strengths of the TINE* control system is the ability to easily make 'simple-client' and 'rich-client' applications. All applications are based on an extensive Java graphics library ACOP**, which provides a vast set of Java Beans for presenting and setting the control system values, such as Slider, Wheelswitch, Button etc. Using any of the standard Rapid Application Development Tools the operators can easily design their own 'simple-client' applications, which are now only a few mouse clicks away. In addition, there are also a large number of 'rich-client', general purpose applications, which offer extensive interactions with the standard TINE systems, such as archiv, alarm, and post-mortem system, as well as scope trace, multi-channel and video analysis, FEC statistics, and general configuration management. Available for many years, these applications have recently been implemented as Java applications using the ACOP beans. They have been iteratively improved and refined after many months of being used by the operators and other users. We offer here a description of these applications as well as the description of the newest ACOP beans available in the ACOP library.

* http://tine.desy.de
** http://cosylib.cosylab.com/pub/acop/site

THP034 TINE Release 4.1: Responding to the User's Needs 736
  • P. Duval, P. K. Bartkiewicz, S. W. Herb, M. Lomperski
    DESY, Hamburg
  • S. Weisse
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
  In the period between the shutdown of the HERA collider and the commissioning of the PETRA 3 synchrotron light source the TINE* control system was upgraded and modernized to the next major release level, namely 4.0. Many of the new features and capabilities have been reported before**. As can be expected, when what was 'designed and planned' is actually put to use, various imperfections and deficiencies begin to surface, the natural 'enemy' of the developer being the 'user'. To this end there has been a slow and iterative progression toward TINE Release 4.1 which will be reported on here. Many of the embellishments involve improving data transfer efficiency (such as enforcing the use of multi-channel arrays even when the user makes single channel calls) or meeting the user's expectations of what should be possible (such as allowing variable-length TINE data types to appear within TINE data structures). In addition, TINE Central services have been more systematically integrated into the protocol.

* http://tine.desy.de
** 'TINE Release 4 in Operation', P. Duval, et. al, Proceedings PCaPAC 2008.