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Wang, N.

Paper Title Page
TUA005 Prototype of a DDS-Based High-Level Accelerator Application Environment 58
  • N. Malitsky, J. Shah
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  • N. Hasabnis
    Stony Brook University, Stony Brook
  • S. G. Shasharina, N. Wang
    Tech-X, Boulder, Colorado
  • R. M. Talman
    CLASSE, Ithaca, New York
  Funding: This manuscript has been authored by employees of Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U. S. Department of Energy.

Data Distributed Service (DDS) from the Object Management Group represents the next generation of industrial middleware standards, bringing a data-centric publish-subscribe paradigm to distributed control systems. In comparison with existing middleware technologies, the data-centric approach is able to provide a consistent consolidated model supporting the different data dissemination scenarios and integrating many important issues, such as user-specific types, quality of service, data stream management and others. The paper highlights the different features of the DDS technology and introduces a prototype of the NSLS-II high level application environment including key middle layer servers, such as Machine, Online Model and Virtual Accelerator. The proposed environment is developed and evaluated on top of EPICS-DDS, an open source implementation of the DDS standard interface based on the EPICS Channel Access protocol (http://sourceforge.net/projects/epics-dds/).

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FRA006 Evaluating the OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) for Accelerator Control Systems 937
  • N. Wang, S. G. Shasharina
    Tech-X, Boulder, Colorado
  Funding: This work is supported partially by the US Department of Energy and the Tech-X Corporation.

As accelerators become bigger, traditional ways of building the control systems based on a single framework no longer scale. A Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) adopting both RPC and a MOM standard service buses promotes multiple levels of loose coupling to increase the robustness and adaptability of overall control applications without sacrificing performance. The emerging OMG DDS specification defines a data-centric communication standard with rich supports for quality-of-service. It is especially suited as the SOA's MOM service bus for control systems. DDS helps extend the real-time data available from the proven control development framework such as EPICS, as standard services and data exchanges between services in a SOA environment. In this paper, we review various features in the OMG DDS standards and their applications in control applications. We also illustrate how, collaborating with Web Services, DDS fits into a SOA for accelerator control systems. Finally, we present and evaluate performance benchmarking results of several DDS implementations, including an EPICS-DDS, which is an open source implementation of OMG DDS.