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Rowland, J.

Paper Title Page
TUP062 Control Architecture of a New Power Supply Controller for Diamond Light Source 224
  • M. T. Heron, M. G. Abbott, J. A. Dobbing, A. J. Rose, J. Rowland, I. Uzun
    Diamond, Oxfordshire
  A new magnet power supply controller is currently being designed for Diamond Light Source. The design uses DSP based regulation implemented in an FPGA. An embedded ARM processor is used to provide integration with the supervisory control system. Interfaces are also provided for integration with the fast orbit feed back system and for synchronous control of multiple supplies. Details of the architecture and progress in the realization will be presented.  
THB003 Diamond Light Source Electron Beam Position Feedback: Design, Realization and Performance 650
  • M. T. Heron, M. G. Abbott, J. A. Dobbing, G. Rehm, J. Rowland, I. Uzun
    Diamond, Oxfordshire
  • S. Duncan
    University of Oxford, Oxford
  The electron beam in the Diamond Synchrotron Light Source is stabilised in two planes using the Fast Orbit Feedback system. This feedback system takes the beam position from 168 Libera electron beam position monitors, for both planes, and calculates offsets to 336 corrector power supplies at a sample rate of ~10 kHz. The design and realisation, together with system performance will be presented, and possible developments considered.