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Rogovsky, Yu. A.

Paper Title Page
TUP026 Beam Measuremet System for VEPP-2000 143
  • Yu. A. Rogovsky, E. A. Bekhtenev, D. E. Berkaev, A. N. Kyrpotin, I. Nesterenko
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
  Funding: The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAN

This paper describes several beam instruments for VEPP-2000 complex. These beam instruments include: a secondary emission monitors and a image current monitors to measure beam position and tuning beam transport, installed into injection channels; a tuning measurement sys-tem to measure the beam tune; a DCCT measurement system to measure the beam DC current and beam life; a closed orbit measurement system and a transverse beam profile measurement system includes several button-type electromagnetic beam position monitors (BPM), optics, acquisition tools and high resolution CCD cameras distributed around the storage ring to measure the beam profile and its position. Some applications of these measurement systems and their measurement results are presented.

THP028 VEPP-2000 Collider Control System 724
  • D. E. Berkaev, P. B. Cheblakov, A. N. Kirpotin, I. Koop, V. R. Kozak, E. A. Kuper, A. P. Lysenko, A. S. Medvedko, Yu. A. Rogovsky, P. Yu. Shatunov, Y. M. Shatunov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
  Electron-positron collider VEPP-2000 is under commissioning at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. The paper presents architecture, implementation and functionality of the software of the collider control system. The software according to hardware system consists of interacting subsystems responding on different acceleration facility parts. Control system software is based on several TCP/IP connected PC platforms working under operating system Linux and uses client-server techniques. The paper describes implementation, operating possibilities and perspectives of VEPP-2000 software. The paper also presents structure, architecture and implementation of the hardware of the collider control system. The system consists of pulse-elements, steering coils power supplies, high-current main field power supply, RF subsystems and some other special subsystems (such as vacuum, temperature, etc. control subsystems). The system is based on modern industrial protocol CAN-bus and specialized electronic BINP manufactured blocks according the standard. The paper describes implementation of different subsystems based on CANbus devices, and operating characteristics and possibilities.