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Ricaud, J. P.

Paper Title Page
MOC003 SOLEIL Control and Acquisition Hardware Installation and Maintenance Management 19
  • P. Betinelli, M. Abdelbaki, Y.-M. Abiven, J. Bisou, F. Blache, D. Corruble, P. Monteiro, G. Renaud, J. P. Ricaud
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
  SOLEIL is a third generation Synchrotron radiation source located in France near Paris. The construction began in 2002. Now, the Storage Ring delivers photon beam to 20 beamlines with global reliability better than 95%. In a few years, we have installed and deployed many hardware equipments: 145 CPCI systems, 175 PLC systems, 154 Motion Systems. Around 6000 cables are connected to our hardware equipments. We are distributing around 600 timing signals, driving more than 760 motors, and piloting more than 500 IO CPCI boards. To achieve the high reliability required, we have applied industrial installation and maintenance methods. From the beginning we have defined standard products and connexions, installation procedures, PV forms… Configurations, Cabling Folders and PV forms are saved in an EDMS (Engineering document management system). We use a CMMS (computerized maintenance management system) to inventory, localize and keep the history of the installed equipments. Each intervention is reported in it to follow the demands of evolutions, the maintenance, the problems and interventions. The result of this organization is a control and acquisition hardware's availability of 99,98%.  
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