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Repkov, V. V.

Paper Title Page
TUP032 Beam Measurement System of VEPP-2000 Injection Channels 155
  • D. E. Berkaev, E. V. Bykov, V. P. Cherepanov, V. R. Kozak, I. A. Ostanin, V. V. Repkov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
  The paper presents single-flight beam diagnostic system for VEPP-2000 injection channels. The system includes two types of beam position monitors: secondary emission monitor type and image current monitor type. Tuning of the system, calibration of monitors, hardware software of the diagnostic system are described. Main goal of the beam diagnostic system is tuning lossless beam transport. To solving such problem one need to tune up as guide fields as focusing fields of transportation channels. Thirst task ' trajectory correction ' is solving with response matrix inversion with SVD method. Second task ' optic function reconstruction ' is solving with help of multidimensional fitting of channel magnet structure parameters with minimization mean-square modeled response matrix from measured one. The paper presents results of practical methods for automated beam transfer and optic functions tuning for injection channels of VEPP-2000 complex.