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Pezzetti, M.

Paper Title Page
WEP059 Helium Cryoplant Off-line Commissioning and Operator Training: Two Applications of the PROCOS Simulation System at CERN 513
  • M. Pezzetti, B. Bradu, P. Gayet, J. Vasseur
    CERN, Geneva
  The off-line commissioning step, through reliable simulation of physical models, aims to correct and validate control systems before their implementation into real equipments. It prepares and minimizes plant commissioning phase and at the same time validates the efficiency of the new process control logic. This paper describes how different CERN/UNICOS cryogenic control systems have been pre-commissioned off-line, using the CERN cryogenic simulation environment PROCOS. Some examples are reported. Additionally the presented simulation environment will be used for operator training the second part of the paper will presents the simulation platform and the first feedback from the operation crew.  
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WEP060 Advanced Control Facility for the Cern-Unicos Framework 516
  • M. Pezzetti, D. O. Tavares
    CERN, Geneva
  • H. Coppier
    ESIEE, Amiens
  An increase of interest to advanced control techniques and innovative simulation environment applied to cryogenic processes has occurred at CERN, during last decade. As new control algorithm development into real process control system requires significant time, an agile control testing tool externally connected can improve and simplify the procedure of validating advanced controllers implementation. In this context, the present paper describes the development of a control testing tool at CERN, which allows rapid control strategies implementation through the Matlab/Simulink® environment coupled with a large scale cryogenic control system or with the CERN simulation environment. The time delays which are inherently introduced by network link and communication protocol are analyzed and experimentally identified. A criterion establishes practical limitations for reliable operation.  
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WEP061 The Control System for the Cryogenics in the LHC Tunnel [ First Experience and Improvements ] 519
  • P. Gomes, E. Blanco, J. Casas, C. Fluder, E. Fortescue-Beck, P. Le Roux, G. Penacoba, M. Pezzetti, M. Soubiran, A. Tovar, L. Zwalinski
    CERN, Geneva
  The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been commissioned and started operation with beams in 2008, at CERN. Several months of cryogenic operation in nominal conditions have triggered an optimisation of the cryogenic process functional analysis. This lead to a few revisions of the control logic, realised on-the-fly; and to a major rebuild of the logic, implemented during the 2008-9 shut-down. In order to improve the operability, availability and safety of the LHC cryogenics, the process control structure was reorganised; the logic of process phases, interlocks, regulators and templates for automatic code generators were modified; the hard-wired vacuum-quality signals were upgraded to provide more detailed information; the protection of current feed boxes was enhanced by the addition of new signals; a new tool for remote-reset of Profibus-IO was developed. The databases, containing all instruments and controls information, were rationalized; the automatic specification generators, which extract the parameters used in the control software, were simplified. This paper describes the main improvements applied during the 2008-09 shut-down, and suggests perspectives of further developments.  
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