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Peryt, M.

Paper Title Page
TUB001 Accelerator Data Foundation: How It All Fits Together 61
  • R. Billen, P. Le Roux, M. Peryt, C. Roderick, Z. Zaharieva
    CERN, Geneva
  Since 2003, a coherent data management approach was envisaged for the needs of installing, commissioning, operating and maintaining the LHC. Data repositories in the distinct domains of physical equipment, installed components, controls configuration and operational data have been established to cater for these different aspects. The interdependencies between the domains have been implemented as a distributed database. This approach, based on a very wide data foundation, has been used for the LHC and is being extended to the CERN accelerator complex.  
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WEP007 FESA 3.0: Overcoming the XML/RDBMS Impedance Mismatch 420
  • M. Peryt, M. Martin Marquez
    CERN, Geneva
  The Front End System Architecture (FESA) framework developed at CERN takes an XML-centric approach to modeling accelerator equipment software. Among other techniques, XML Schema is used for abstract model validation, while XSLT drives the generation of code. At the same time all the information generated and used by the FESA framework is just a relatively small subset of a much wider realm of Controls Configuration data stored in a dedicated database and represented as a sophisticated relational model. Some data transformations occur in the XML universe, while others are handled by the database, depending on which technology is a better fit for the task at hand. This paper describes our approach to dealing with what we call the "XML/Relational impedance mismatch" - by analogy to Object/Relational impedance mismatch - that is how to best leverage the power of an RDBMS as a back-end for an XML-driven framework. We discuss which techniques work best for us, what to avoid, where the potential pitfalls lie. All this is based on several years of experience with a living system used to control the world's biggest accelerator complex.  
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THA005 CERN Proton Synchrotron Complex High-Level Controls Renovation 638
  • S. Deghaye, M. Arruat, D. Garcia Quintas, M. Gourber-Pace, G. Kruk, O. Kulikova, V. V. Lezhebokov, S. Pasinelli, M. Peryt, C. Roderick, E. Roux, M. Sobczak, R. R. Steerenberg, J. P. Wozniak, Z. Zaharieva
    CERN, Geneva
  After a detailed study of the PS complex requirements by experts of the CERN controls & operation groups, a proposal to develop a new system, called Injectors Control Architecture (InCA), was presented to and accepted by the management late 2007. Aiming at the homogenisation of the controls systems across CERN accelerators, InCA is based on components developed for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) but also new components required to fulfill operation needs. In 2008, the project was in its elaboration phase and we successfully validated its architecture and critical use-cases during several machine development sessions. After a minute description of the architecture put in place and the components used, this paper will describe the planning approach taken combining iterative development phases with deployment in operation for validation sessions.  
THP093 JDataViewer - Java-based Charting Library 856
  • G. Kruk, M. Peryt
    CERN, Geneva
  The JDataViewer is a Java-based charting library developed at CERN, with powerful, extensible and easy to use function editing capabilities. Function edition is heavily used in Control System applications, but poorly supported in products available on the market. The JDataViewer enables adding, removing and modifying function points graphically (using a mouse) or by editing a table of values. Custom edition strategies are supported: the developer can specify an algorithm that reacts to the modification of a given point in the function by automatically adapting all other points. The library provides all typical 2D plotting types (scatter, polyline, area, bar, HiLo, contour), as well as data point annotations and data indicators. It also supports common interactors to zoom and move the visible view, or to select and highlight function segments. A clear API is provided to configure and customize all chart elements (colors, fonts, data ranges, …) programmatically, and to integrate non-standard rendering types, interactors or chart decorations (custom drawings). Last but not least, the library offers a performance that is better than the available open source charting packages.  
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