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Park, M. K.

Paper Title Page
TUP029 KSTAR Widget Toolkit Using Qt Library for the EPICS Based Control System 146
  • S. Baek, M. Kwon, S. Lee, H. K. Na, M. K. Park
    NFRI, Daejeon
  Funding: This work was supported by the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

The KSTAR Widget Toolkit (KWT) was developed as a development toolkit of CA client application for the KSTAR commissioning. The KWT is based on Qt library and includes channel access interface to communicate with EPICS. In order to enhance development speed and increase aesthetic quality of application, 16 plug-in widgets were developed to enable for developers to create new panel using drag and drop method. Some of them use QWT as a plotting library and some widgets display alarm status with a specified color according to the EPICS alarm convention. The KWT has cross-platform development environment and feasibility of extending new widgets using Qt plug-in API with plenty of documents and tutorials. Around 110 panels and several applications such as multi-channel plotting tool, process variable searching tool, and logbook application were developed through the KWT and they proved functionality of the KWT being used for the integrated control and machine control during the KSTAR commissioning. The KWT is applicable to fast and easy development of operator interfaces and applications for the EPICS based control system.

National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI), Gwahangno 113, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 305-333, KOREA

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TUD002 The Newly Constructed EPICS-based Control System for KSTAR Tokamak Device 1
  • M. K. Park, S. Baek, Y. Chu, S. H. Hahn, J. S. Hong, M. K. Kim, Y. O. Kim, M. Kwon, S. Lee, W. R. Lee, H. K. Na, Y. K. Oh, J. S. Park
    NFRI, Daejeon
  • K. H. Kim
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  The KSTAR is the newest superconducting tokamak to have a mission to perform fusion researches for future energy source, which accomplished the 1st plasma in 2008 after the completion of design, fabrication and assembly since 1995. The KSTAR integrated control system (KICS) aimed at integration of all plant system I&Cs, development of schema for tokamak operation and relevant S/W, achievement of synchronized operation, and machine protection. For those purposes, we elaborated on the selection of a middleware for the KICS focused on performance, reliability and maintainability, and finally decided to use EPICS. In addition, the KICS adapted several open-source tools in the fields of data management and user interfaces such as MDSplus, Qt, Mysql, etc. For the initial operation, we integrated 17 types of plant systems with various H/W platforms and installed about 200 controllers to handle about 18,000 Process Variables. This paper focuses on the development of the KICS and the operational results. Moreover, the evaluation of EPICS for tokamak control is explained by analyzing the differences between tokamak and accelerator control.  
WEP012 Application of MDSplus for the Management of the Pulsed-based Experimental Data in KSTAR Tokamak 1
  • T. G. Lee, S. Lee, M. K. Park
    NFRI, Daejeon
  Different from the accelerator to operate continuously, the KSTAR as a tokamak device which has features of continuous operation and shot-based pulse operation has different types of data generated. One is a continuous plant data coming from a vacuum monitoring system, a tokamak monitoring system, and this data is archived with EPICS channel archiver. The other is a shot-based experimental data generated only for a plasma discharge shot. This type of data is archived using MDSplus which is widely used in the fusion environment. In the category of the experimental data, every diagnostics data, heating parameters and real-time plasma feedback data belong here. Besides MDSplus, EPICS channel archiver is partially used to archive the configuration parameters of DAQ systems and shot information. Because experimental data are transferred to a central storage after the completion of a discharge shot, low-speed run-time data is archived in duplicate using EPICS channel archiver to monitor plasma during a shot. This paper will present the application of MDSplus for management of pulse data from tokamak device in conjunction with EPICS channel archiver according to the applications.

National Fusion Research Institute, 113 Gwahangno, Yusung-gu, Daejeon, 305-333, KOREA