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McKibben, M.

Paper Title Page
TUP047 The Use of Process and Instrumentation Drawings for Accelerator and Beamline Control Applications at the Canadian Light Source 191
  • E. Matias, G. Judkins, M. McKibben, J. Swirsky
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  In 2001 at the start of the Canadian Light Source Project, the CLS began to adopt the use of Process and Instrumentation Drawings not only for process systems but also for accelerator and beamline optical components. Given existing industry standards have only been formulated for process applications this posed unique challenges. This paper describes the internal standards that were adopted, how they evolved over the past nine years and operation benefits we have been able to achieve through the use of PID drawings. The paper also examines the benefits from using AutoCAD scripts to automate the implementation of PID drawings.  
WEP052 Experience with Motion Control Systems at the Canadian Light Source 501
  • D. Bertwistle, E. Matias, M. McKibben
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  Devices requiring a motion control system are ubiquitous at the Canadian Light Source. The most numerous devices requiring control are found within the scope of beamlines and vary from simple slits to instruments as complex as endstations. A VME based motion control system has been implemented that is flexible, manageable, and relatively low cost. A general overview of the system is presented with advantages and disadvantages put forward.