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Maltsev, A. A.

Paper Title Page
THP024 About the Opportunity to Use Solid-State Photo Multipliers for not Destroying Synchrotron Diagnostics of High Energy Proton Beams 1
  • A. A. Maltsev
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
  • M. V. Maltseva
    TENZOR, Dubna, Moscow region
  The opportunity application of the not destroying infra-red diagnostics method for measurement of intensity and geometrical parameters of proton beam in synchrotron using solid-state photo multipliers is considered.  
THP025 The Scyntillation Solid-State Detector for Complex Control and Diagnostics System of Subcritical Electronuclear Installation 1
  • A. A. Maltsev
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
  For registration of x-ray, scale and neutron radiations, their distribution in volume of installation it is offered to use the optics-electronic method. It means to use blocks of detecting scintillation solid-state. During registration of radiation is carried out double transformation: first the ionizing radiation cooperates with scintillation thus photons in light area of a spectrum are formed, and then quantums of light are registered by the solid-state photo multiplier.