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Korhonen, T.

Paper Title Page
TUP063 Configuration Management for Software and Firmware at PSI Accelerators 227
  • T. Korhonen, T. Pal
    PSI, Villigen
  The increased demand for usage of FPGA's in control systems has fueled a renewed interest in configuration management strategies for software and firmware. The goal is to produce a toolkit to manage firmware source code over time in an environment where the platforms and vendor toolsets rapidly change, with poor compatibility between versions. We describe a generic approach (hardware and software entities) developed for control applications at the PSI accelerators. Core requirements are to reproduce legacy implementations and perform comparisons for applications, as a function of vendor (e.g. Xilinx, MentorGraphics) software/firmware, development platforms and O/S versions. Additionally we require the ability to run several such comparisons concurrently, with a high degree of automation. The feasibility is demonstrated using cost-effective ESX virtual machine technology from VMware to record snapshots of the environments. Perl/XML scripts are used in conjunction with Expect for automated steering of the procedures. Subversion is used for version control and UML (use cases) to document requirements. In future a RDBMS and web interface utility will provide a synoptic overview.  
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TUP072 Reconfigurable Data Acquisition System for Time Resolved Measurements in Multibunch Mode at the SLS 251
  • T. Korhonen, B. Kalantari, A. Puzic, C. Quitmann, J. Raabe
    PSI, Villigen
  A multichannel acquisition scheme handling 500 MHz data rate will be presented. The input signal is generated by a fast photo detector which can resolve the pulsed time structure of the synchrotron. Single or multiple photon detection is done with an ADC operating at 1 Gsps sampling rate. Dedicated timing hardware provides the synchronization with the RF of the storage ring. Custom counting logics is implemented using a fully reconfigurable FPGA. Low and high level device drivers are based on the VME standard and the EPICS toolkit. A processor core embedded in the FPGA controls the ADC settings and all the tasks of data transfer between the single photon counters and the Input/Output Controller. Basic Functionality of the system includes: full mapping of the filling pattern, gating of empty buckets and the camshaft, and distributing of distinct buckets into dedicated counters. The acquisition card provides timing reference outputs for the diagnostics, as well as for synchronization of other electronics. First application of the acquisition system are measurements of magnetization dynamics at the Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscope at the SLS with 100 ps time resolution.  
WEP026 Design and Implementation of a Full-featured Distributed Synchronization System Using Commercial Hardware 459
  • B. Kalantari, T. Korhonen
    PSI, Villigen
  Funding: Paul Scherrer Institute

In large scale facilities like accelerators, synchronization is not only about triggering. Other aspects of synchronization, namely synchronous data acquisition and/or collection and data time-stamping are equally important. In this paper we first discuss the general synchronization requirements of modern accelerators and then describe our approach to address such requirements in PSI-XFEL project. In our XFEL test stand we have implemented a full-featured synchronization system by integrating off-the-shelf hardware into a distributed control system (EPICS). By full-featured we mean a unified mechanism which addresses all aforementioned synchronization requirements (triggering, synchronous data acquisition/collection, time-stamping). We describe in detail our method to achieve this and explain what software components we had to develop in addition to available control system software.

THP032 Upgrading the PROSCAN Control System to EPICS: A Success Story 733
  • A. C. Mezger, D. Anicic, M. Gasche, T. Korhonen, H. Lutz
    PSI, Villigen
  At the Paul Scherrer Institute the High Intensity Proton Accelerator (HIPA) as well as the new biomedical facility (PROSCAN) use an in-house developed Control system called ACS. The SLS and future XFEL on the other hand use EPICS. In view of the standardization of software and hardware equipment, the decision was made to replace the ACS system with EPICS. Two years ago we started the migration of the PROSCAN control system, which has already from the beginning been built with a high degree of hardware standardization, using VME components only. The migration was finished at the end of last year, but we did not perform the definitive switch over due to a biomedical application that still has to be adapted by their authors. In the coming years we also expect to migrate the ACS control system of the high intensity proton accelerator to EPICS, taking advantage of the work and experience we gained with the PROSCAN migration. We will present here the goals that have been followed and the way we proceeded for the very successful migration of the PROSCAN control system.  
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