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Jainsch, R.

Paper Title Page
THB005 Primary and Secondary Beam Stabilization at the ELBE Accelerator Facility 656
  • M. Justus, R. Jainsch, T. Kirschke, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, W. Seidel
    FZD, Dresden
  Since 2003, ELBE operates as a user facility for fundamental research and life sciences, providing highly brilliant electromagnetic radiation in a broad spectral range, as well as particle beams. The driving source is a 40 MeV, 1 mA electron LINAC in c.w. mode, utilizing a 13 MHz pulsed thermionic gun and Tesla acceleration technology. Infrared light from two FELs between 3 and 280μm is the foremost secondary radiation used at ELBE. For its applications, different demands in power and wavelength stability are crucial for successful experiments. Therefore, a feedback system for the electron beam position and energy in combination with IR beam intensity feedback using FPGA technology is under development. It allows suppression of beam instabilities caused by thermal behaviour, microphonics and the 50 Hz mains frequency with harmonics. This contribution depicts hardware and software details of the measurement and feedback system and provides performance results as well.