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Ito, Y.

Paper Title Page
TUP057 FPGA Digital Timing System for Fusion Plasma Diagnostics in LHD 212
  • H. Nakanishi, S. Imazu, Y. Ito, K. Kawahata, M. Kojima, Y. Nagayama, M. Nonomura, M. Ohsuna, S. Sudo
    NIFS, Gifu
  Funding: This work is performed with the support and under the auspices of the NIFS Collaborative Research Program NIFS09ULHH503.

The digital timing system for LHD diagnostics was developed more than ten years ago as a VMEbus module which was operated by VxWorks RTOS. Through the fiber links, it can deliver the master trigger and the 10 MHz base clock which is modulated with the encoded trigger message. It has a simple tree structure from a master modulator to end demodulators whose output signal edges are all aligned to the delivered base clock. As the VME module and VxWorks were very costly to maintain, they have been ported into the new SoC platform, Xilinx Spartan-3E, that has 1.2 M programmable gates and Microblaze cpu which can run uClinux on it. Using its semi-finished commercial module Suzaku-S, the unit cost of a modulator box becomes one-eighth of previous VME one. In addition, it can output 6 delayed triggers, 6 divided clocks with their own (6) gating time, whereas VME provided 6-2-2. The same network communication schemes are completely implemented on uClinux, ported from the RPC source codes running on VxWorks. As such the semi-finished SoC platform is very useful to homemade an intelligent digitizer unit, another fast latching scaler module is now designed to be made for LHD.

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TUD005 Large-scale Fusion Research System Integration Based on the Superconducting Large Helical Device and Plasma Simulator at NIFS 352
  • S. Sudo, M. Emoto, R. Horiuchi, S. Imagawa, S. Imazu, S. Ishiguro, Y. Ito, O. Kaneko, K. Kawahata, M. Kojima, A. Komori, T. Mutoh, Y. Nagayama, N. Nakajima, H. Nakanishi, M. Nonomura, M. Ohsuna, N. Ohyabu, S. Okamura, H. Sugama, Y. Takeiri, H. Yamada, T. Yamamoto
    NIFS, Gifu
  The representative facilities at NIFS are the superconducting Large Helical Device (LHD) and Plasma Simulator. An overview of such a large-scale fusion research system will be presented. LHD is the plasma confining machine with having superconducting helical and poloidal coils. The LHD experiment started in 1998, and stable operation under the condition of liquid He temperature with a continuous operation for half a year typically at each year has been so far successfully demonstrated for the period of 11 years. Real-time machine control and data acquisition of diagnostics are also established well for long pulse operation up to 54 min. For understanding the plasma properties, Plasma Simulator consists of a supercomputer having 77 TF computing speed and 16 TB main memory (these will be upgraded to 315 TF and 32 TB in 2012). The main aim of the Plasma Simulator is to construct LHD Numerical Test Reactor for designing an optimum reactor. Experimental remote participation to the LHD experiment and remote utilization of Plasma Simulator are well realized with the fast network SINET3. Such successful system integration will contribute to design of future large research systems.