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Hatsui, T.

Paper Title Page
WEP017 Design of an XFEL Beamline DAQ System 438
  • T. Ohata, Y. Furukawa, T. Hirono, R. Tanaka, A. Yamashita
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  • T. Hatsui, T. Ishikawa, M. Yabashi
    RIKEN/SPring-8, Hyogo
  We have designed the control and the data acquisition system for the SPring-8 XFEL beamlines. The XFEL generates ultra-short pulsed coherent X-ray laser with the 60Hz beam repetition rate. Two-dimensional x-ray detectors are under development for X-ray detection. The data acquisition system for the detectors has to synchronize with the accelerator beam operation cycle to obtain correlations between incident X-ray and experimental data. The tagging system that records event numbers in the measurement data is especially important. The key technologies to make a success of the DAQ system of XFEL beamline are a tagging system of the 60Hz X-ray pulse, a real-time compression of fast massive data and low-latency network for data transfer. Both the network system of 3~4 Gbps bandwidth and the storage system with a near petabyte will be required in the initial operation phase of the XFEL project. At first, we developed a FPGA based tagging board that delivers tag numbers of X-ray pulse shots with parallel and serial interfaces. A first test system will be assembled by early 2010.