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Chaize, J. M.C.

Paper Title Page
WEP087 A Different Way to Survey the ESRF Vacuum System 570
  • D. Schmied, E. Burtin, J. M.C. Chaize, M. Hahn, I. Parat, M. Peru, P. V. Verdier
    ESRF, Grenoble
  The ESRF is in operation since many years. Due to the aging vacuum system, but also driven by the development to increase the machine performances and the continuous upgrade of our vacuum installations we have been reviewing our philosophy of data acquisition and monitoring, while using new technologies and taking into account our gained operational experience. This helped us to anticipate machine failures such as leaks, overheating of RF-liners or poor chamber alignments and therefore reduce machine down times. This paper outlines our work on the development of a new vacuum user interface, which not simply reflects the actual status of our vacuum system, but which provides a dynamic survey of computed vacuum signals highlighting unusual vacuum behaviors and making their identification and location easier from an operator point of view. It also presents the use of Pb-shielded PLC units in the storage ring and their integration towards a dynamic remote control system.  
THD002 A Mobile Platform for Remote Inspection Inside ESRF Tunnel 907
  • J. M.C. Chaize, L. Hardy, D. Robinson
    ESRF, Grenoble
  • A. Hahto, J. Mattila
    TUT, Tampere
  A light source has to provide beam 24h/24h x 7 days. Numerous sensors have been installed to detect hardware failures, fires, water leaks etc' Unfortunately, with aging we are sometimes faced to false alarms. Then, visual inspection is sometime necessary to confirm or evaluate an alarm. ESRF in collaboration with the Tampere University of Technology (TUT/IHA)* and expertize from ROVIR** is developing a autonomous vehicle remotely controlled via WiFi. It is able to travel all along the tunnel, with beam ON, and transmit live image of a high definition video camera. Thanks to a virtual reality software, the operator is able to send the platform to any location of the tunnel. The platform should be able to get energy autonomy, to automatically recharge its battery, to react to unforeseen situations, to avoid collisions, and to do self learning of its environment. One of the goals of the collaboration is to design this tool in such a way that it can become a commercial product available at low cost for any light source. This paper describes the hardware and the software issues of this platform and describes how ESRF and TUT are collaborating in view of building this tool.

* Department of Intelligent Hydraulics and Automation http://www.iha.tut.fi
** Remote Operation and Virtual Reality Center http://www.hermia.fi/rovir