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Bartkiewicz, P. K.

Paper Title Page
MOD002 TINE Release 4.1: Responding to the User's Needs 31
  • P. Duval, P. K. Bartkiewicz, S. W. Herb, M. Lomperski
    DESY, Hamburg
  • S. Weisse
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
  In the period between the shutdown of the HERA collider and the commissioning of the PETRA 3 synchrotron light source the TINE* control system was upgraded and modernized to the next major release level, namely 4.0. Many of the new features and capabilities have been reported before**. As can be expected, when what was 'designed and planned' is actually put to use, various imperfections and deficiencies begin to surface, the natural 'enemy' of the developer being the 'user'. To this end there has been a slow and iterative progression toward TINE Release 4.1 which will be reported on here. Many of the embellishments involve improving data transfer efficiency (such as enforcing the use of multi-channel arrays even when the user makes single channel calls) or meeting the user's expectations of what should be possible (such as allowing variable-length TINE data types to appear within TINE data structures). In addition, TINE Central services have been more systematically integrated into the protocol.  
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WEP073 Control System Integration of the PETRA III BPM System based on Libera Brilliance 543
  • H. Wu, P. K. Bartkiewicz, I. Krouptchenkov, G. Kube, F. Schmidt-Foehre, F. Wedstein, J. Wilgen
    DESY, Hamburg
  The PETRA III Storage Ring has recently successfully commissioned the new BPM System based on ~230 Libera Brilliance [1] modules. This is at present the largest full installation of these modules. This paper presents the complete BPM system from the control aspect. The distributed Libera Brilliance modules are connected via the control system internet. A dedicated middle-layer Linux PC running in a multithreaded environment communicates with all modules using the CSPI package provided by the vendor of the Libera Brilliance modules. This middle layer processes runs in the framework of the TINE control system and services requests from the user applications. In this case, the middle layer server is heavily multithreaded and deals with hundreds of Brilliance modules and is therefore unique, as all the other Libera installations run in a one-process-to-one-Libera mode. An automation procedure has also been developed for remote installing and updating software packages, as well as restarting and rebooting the CSPI server running on the Libera modules.

[1] Instrumentation Technologies, Slovinia, http://www.i-tech.si/.

THP034 TINE Release 4.1: Responding to the User's Needs 736
  • P. Duval, P. K. Bartkiewicz, S. W. Herb, M. Lomperski
    DESY, Hamburg
  • S. Weisse
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
  In the period between the shutdown of the HERA collider and the commissioning of the PETRA 3 synchrotron light source the TINE* control system was upgraded and modernized to the next major release level, namely 4.0. Many of the new features and capabilities have been reported before**. As can be expected, when what was 'designed and planned' is actually put to use, various imperfections and deficiencies begin to surface, the natural 'enemy' of the developer being the 'user'. To this end there has been a slow and iterative progression toward TINE Release 4.1 which will be reported on here. Many of the embellishments involve improving data transfer efficiency (such as enforcing the use of multi-channel arrays even when the user makes single channel calls) or meeting the user's expectations of what should be possible (such as allowing variable-length TINE data types to appear within TINE data structures). In addition, TINE Central services have been more systematically integrated into the protocol.

* http://tine.desy.de
** 'TINE Release 4 in Operation', P. Duval, et. al, Proceedings PCaPAC 2008.