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TPPB04 |
Applications of OPC at BEPCII
166 |
- J. Zhao, H. J. Xu
IHEP Beijing, Beijing
The run-time data and machine parameters of the BEPCII is distributed over different platforms and stored with different softwares. Some is stored in various SCADA logging files, and some is stored in the EPICS archiver files. Now the EPICS data are stored in Oracle. No general method was provided to access these data. The OPC technology can solve this problem. Originally based on Microsoft's OLE COM (component object model) and DCOM (distributed component object model) technologies, the specification defined a standard set of objects, interfaces, and methods for use in process control and manufacturing automation applications to facilitate interoperability. We have developed EPICS/OPC Server and Oracle/OPC Server. With the help of these two servers and SCADA OPC Servers, its easy to get the data mentioned above on a Windows system. This paper describes the development of the two OPC servers and OPC applications at BEPCII.
TPPB05 |
The Cryogenic Control System of BEPCII
169 |
- M. H. Dai, Y. L. Huang, B. Jiang, K. X. Wang, K. J. Yue, J. Zhao, G. Li
IHEP Beijing, Beijing
A cryogenic system for the superconducting RF cavity (SRFC), superconducting solenoid magnet (SSM), and superconducting quadrupole magnet (SCQ) has been designed and installed in the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPCII). The cryogenic control system is a fully automatic system using PLCs and EPICS IOCs and consists of three components. One is the Siemens PLC system for compressor control, another is the AB-PLC system for cryogenic equipment control, and they are integrated into the high-level EPICS system. The functions of cryogenic control include process control, PID control loops, real-time data access and data restore, alarm handler, and humanmachine interface. The control system can also be automatically recovered from emergency. This paper will describe the BEPCII cryogenic control system, data communication between S7-PLC and EPICS IOCs, and how to integrate the flow control and the low-level interlock with the AB-PLC system and EPICS.
ROAB04 |
Experience of Developing BEPCII Control System
511 |
- J. Zhao
IHEP Beijing, Beijing
The project of upgrading the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) to the BEPCII was started in autumn of 2001, and the goal is to reach a higher luminosity, 1*1033cm-2s-1. The first beams were stored in the Storage Ring in November 2006, and the e+/e- beams successfully collided in March 2007, which is an important milestone of the BEPCII. The BEPCII control system has rebuilt with the standard mode and EPICS, which has 20,000 channels and about 30 VME IOCs for equipment control and high-level applications. The control system was put into operation in November 2007, and the system development has followed its schedule and finished on time. In the past few years, we went through the design stage, R&D stage, system development, testing, and installation and commissioning stages. This paper describes experiences and lessons of design and developing the system, including the design considerations, selection of standard hardware and software, building of the development environment, and what we have done in the user requirement, R&D, and other stages. The paper also discusses project management issues, such as interface definition, collaborations, people training, and so on.