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ROAA03 |
Injection, Ramping and Extraction Timing for the Duke Booster
491 |
- G. Y. Kurkin
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
- S. F. Mikhailov, V. Popov, Y. K. Wu, S. M. Hartman
FEL/Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
A booster synchrotron capable of ramping from 0.25 to 1.2 GeV was recently commissioned at Duke University as part of the High Intensity Gamma Source upgrade. The triggering and timing system uses a combination of software logic and triggers, digital delay generators, and hardware synchronizers to coordinate the linac injector, booster synchrotron and electron storage ring. The injection system has been commissioned with a short pulse photo-injector linac into a single booster RF bucket and to two booster buckets separated by about half the circumference. It has also been commissioned with a long electron pulse from the injection linac into all 19 buckets. The extraction system, combined with short pulse kickers, can extract any of the booster's 19 electron bunches in to any of the storage ring's 64 bunches. Ramping is controlled by programmable VME based waveform generators triggered from the timing system. The system offers flexibility for commissioning and operations and provides a simple interface to the operator.
RPPA17 |
A Physics Based Approach for Magnet Control in a Booster and Storage Ring
553 |
- S. F. Mikhailov, Y. K. Wu, S. M. Hartman
FEL/Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
At Duke University, a booster synchrotron was recently commissioned as part of the HIGS upgrade. For the ramping magnet power supply controls, we followed an approach previously implemented for the Duke Storage Ring controls. The high-level operator interface is presented in terms of the physics quantities of the accelerator, i.e., the effective focusing strength of the magnets. This approach allows for a tighter integration of the control system with physics modeling programs and facilitates machine studies. The approach also simplifies operations of the accelerators by presenting an interface nearly independent of machine energy. For the booster, nonlinearities of the magnets, a result of its extremely compact footprint, are incorporated in to the low-level software while providing a high level of machine tunability. For the storage ring, feed forward compensations built on the effective strength of the magnets simplify tuning of the machine over a wide range of electron beam energies or wiggler settings. This approach provides for a good match to the diverse operational modes supported by the Duke Storage Ring.