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WPPA02 |
Conceptual Design of the TPS Control System
319 |
- J. Chen, P. C. Chiu, K. T. Hsu, S. Y. Hsu, K. H. Hu, D. Lee, C.-J. Wang, C. Y. Wu, C. H. Kuo
NSRRC, Hsinchu
Baseline design of the Taiwan photon Source (TPS) control system of NSRRC is proposed. The control system design is based on EPICS toolkits due to it has large user base in synchrotron light source around the world. Guidelines for hardware platform and operating system choice will be addressed. The standard hardware interface driver is developing and testing now. The asynchronous driver of EPICS will be applied to be the most of standard hardware interface. The expected control system for TPS will provide versatile environments for machine commissioning, operation, and research. The open architecture led machine upgrade or modify without toil. Fewer efforts for machine maintenance are essential. Performance and reliability of the control system will be guarantee form the design phase. Design consideration will be summary in this report.
RPPA02 |
Linac RF Feed-forward Development at TLS
523 |
- K. T. Hsu, J.-Y. Hwang, D. Lee, K.-K. Lin, C. Y. Wu, K. H. Hu
NSRRC, Hsinchu
Performance of an electron linear accelerator is very important for synchrotron light source operation. Its performance in amplitude and phase of the RF field will decide the quality of extract beam. The RF feed-forward control is helpful to fixed amplitude and phase constant and keeps on stable beam extract. Design consideration and details of the implementation will be summary in this report.