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TPPA29 |
Interfacing of Peripheral Systems to EPICS Using Shared Memory
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- E. Tikhomolov
TRIUMF, Vancouver
Interfacing of peripheral control and data acquisition systems to an EPICS-based control system is a common problem. At the ISAC radioactive beam facility, both Linux-based and Windows-based systems were integrated using the soft IOC, which became available in EPICS release 3.14. For Linux systems, shared memory device support was implemented using standard Linux functions. For Windows-based RF control systems, the soft IOC runs as a separate application, which uses shared memory for data exchange with the RF control applications. A set of DLLs exposes an API for use by the application programmer. Additional features include alarm conditions for read-back updates, watchdogs for each running application, and test channels.
TPPB35 |
The Control System for the TITAN Experiment at ISAC
238 |
- T. Howland, H. Hui, R. Keitel, K. Langton, M. LeRoss, R. B. Nussbaumer, K. Pelzer, J. E. Richards, W. Roberts, E. Tikhomolov, D. Dale
TRIUMF, Vancouver
The TITAN experiment at the ISAC radioactive beam facility consists of an RF cooler system, a Magnetic Penning Trap (MPET), and an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT). These three systems may run together or independently. This paper describes the EPICS-based TITAN control system, which was modeled after the ISAC control system to facilitate integration. Both software and hardware configurations will be described, with emphasis on pulsed diagnostics and the pulse distribution system for synchronizing the traps in different operation modes.
TPPB34 |
ISAC Control System Update
235 |
- D. Bishop, D. Dale, T. Howland, H. Hui, K. Langton, M. LeRoss, R. B. Nussbaumer, C. G. Payne, K. Pelzer, J. E. Richards, W. Roberts, E. Tikhomolov, G. Waters, R. Keitel
TRIUMF, Vancouver
At the ISAC radioactive beam facility, the superconducting Linac was commissioned, and several experimental beam lines were added. The paper will describe the additions to the EPICS-based control system, issues with integration of third-party systems, as well as integration of accelerator controls with experiment controls.
RPPB24 |
Processing and Visualization of EPICS Data with MATLAB Applications
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- E. Tikhomolov
TRIUMF, Vancouver
To conserve control system resources it is often desirable to run compute-intensive real-time data processing applications on a dedicated host computer. In the EPICS-based control system of the ISAC radioactive beam facility, the Extensible Display Manager tool (EDM) is used for the operator interface. EDM screens control data acquisition and processing and provide visualization of the processed data. Matlab is used as the data processing engine. A number of Matlab applications were created in collaboration with the beam physics group. These applications are running on a dedicated Linux host, using EPICS Matlab Channel Access (MCA) to obtain raw data from beam diagnostic IOCs (Linux-based) and store the processed results in the IOC. The raw data are provided to the IOC by fast data acquisition applications through a shared memory interface.