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TPPA28 |
PLC-Based Beam Charge Interlock System for Radiation Safety in the KEKB Injector Linac
149 |
- K. Furukawa, M. Satoh, T. Suwada, E. Kadokura
KEK, Ibaraki
A new PLC-based beam-charge interlock system is under development for radiation safety at the KEKB injector linac. This system restricts a prescribed amount of integrated beam charges passing through at several locations along the linac for machine protection, and it also monitors the amount of integrated beam charges injecting to four different storage rings (KEKB e+ & e- storage rings, PF, PF-AR) at the linac beam switchyard. The beam charges delivered from an electron gun are measured with the PLC-based beam-charge interlock system. This system comprises wall-current monitors, beam-charge integration circuits, and a PLC-based control system. This system generates and sends beam abort signals directly to another radiation safety control system with hard-wire cables when the amount of the integrated beam charges is beyond the prescribed threshold level. In this report we describe the new design of the PLC-based beam-charge interlock system, and especially several software developments and performances implemented on the PLC are described.
TOPB04 |
Control System of the KEKB Accelerator Complex
268 |
- A. Akiyama, N. Kamikubota, T. T. Nakamura, J.-I. Odagiri, M. Satoh, T. Suwada, N. Yamamoto, K. Furukawa
KEK, Ibaraki
The KEKB asymmetric electron-positron collider complex consists of 8-GeV Linac, high-energy and low-energy rings. Some of the resources were inherited from the previous TRISTAN project, and also they are shared with Photon Factory and PF-AR light sources. In order to realize the long lifespan of the system de-facto and international standard technologies were employed since the early stage, which have been efficiently operated. Several gateway methods were implemented to integrate heterogeneous sub-systems, which are gradually converted into EPICS. Scripting languages are employed for higher-level applications. The ever-evolving control system has enabled flexible and reliable beam operations at KEKB throughout the long period.
WPPB37 |
Fast BPM DAQ System Using Windows Oscilloscope-based EPICS IOC
469 |
- K. Furukawa, T. Suwada, M. Satoh
KEK, Ibaraki
- T. Kudou, S. Kusano
MELCO SC, Tsukuba
- J. W. Wang
USTC, Hefei, Anhui
The non-destructive beam position monitor (BPM) is an indispensable diagnostic tool for the stable beam operation. In the KEK linac, approximately nineteen BPMs with the strip-line type electrodes are used for the beam orbit measurement and orbit feedback. In addition, some of them are also used for the beam energy feedback loops. The current DAQ system consists of the digital oscilloscopes and the VME computers. They are connected with the GPIB, and a signal from each electrode is analyzed with a predetermined response function once per second by a VME computer that is connected to the upper-layer control servers via Ethernet. The KEKB injector linac is planned to be upgraded to perform the simultaneous injection for 4-rings. In this operation mode, a fast DAQ system is strongly required. In the current system, maximum DAQ rate is strictly limited by the oscilloscope performance, and it should be improved for the 50-Hz measurement. For these reasons, we made the decision to replace the current DAQ system with the fast digital oscilloscope. In this paper, we will present the system description of the new DAQ system, and the detailed result of the performance test will be presented.