Paper | Title | Page |
MOPB05 | "JDDD": A Java DOOCS Data Display for the XFEL | 43 |
The X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) is a new accelerator currently under construction at DESY. It will be a powerful X-ray source for many scientific disciplines ranging from physics, chemistry, and biology to material sciences, geophysics, and medical diagnostics. The commissioning is planned in 2014, and the preparation of the control system was started. The XFEL makes high demands on the control system and its user interface. For this reason jddd, a new Java Data Display program for the Distributed Object-Oriented Control System (DOOCS), has been developed. jddd is a graphical editor for designing and running control panels. The editors functionality is similar to standard IDEs like NetBeans or Eclipse. Complex control panels can easily be created without programming. jddd offers all components needed for control panel design. The Components are reusable Java Beans like labels, buttons, plots, and complex dynamic components as Switches. The jddd panel structure is stored in an xml format. jddd is a further development of the DOOCS data display (ddd) program. For compatibility reasons the old ddd storage format can be converted to the new jddd xml format. | ||
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TOAA04 | Status of the FLASH Free Electron Laser Control System | 53 |
FLASH (Free electron LASer in Hamburg) is the first facility based on the 1.3GHz superconducting cavity technology. It is a test bed for this technology to prepare future accelerators like the XFEL and ILC. Since 2005 FLASH has run as a reliable FEL source for user experiments. The control system DOOCS (Distributed Object-Oriented Control System) provides the required full bunch resolution of the diagnostics. A fast DAQ (Data AQuisition system) has successfully been integrated to support slow feedback, diagnostics, and data recording for both the linac operation and the user experiments. The control system will be slowly upgraded to implement the further requirements for the XFEL. | ||
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RPPA25 | The Data Acquisition System (DAQ) of the FLASH Facility | 564 |
Nowadays the photon science experiments and the machines providing these photon beams produce enormous amounts of data. To capture the data from the photon science experiments and from the machine itself, we developed a novel Data AcQusition (DAQ) system for the FLASH (Free electron LASer in Hamburg) facility. Meanwhile the system is not only fully integrated into the DOOCS control system, but is also the core for a number of essential machine-related feedback loops and monitoring tasks. A central DAQ server records and stores the data of more than 900 channels with 1-MHz up to 2-GHz sampling and several images from the photon science experiments with a typical frame rate of 5 Hz. On this server all data are synchronized on a bunch basis which makes this the perfect location to attach, e.g., high-level feedbacks and calculations. An overview of the architecture of the DAQ system and its interconnections within the complex of the FLASH facility together with the status of the DAQ system and possible future extensions/applications will be given. |