Paper | Title | Page |
TPPA16 | Development of the Software Tools Using Python for EPICS-Based Control System | 120 |
In the commissioning phase of accelerators, many application programs are built and modified frequently by nonexpert programmers. Scripting language such as Python is suitable for such quick development. Since EPICS Channel Access interface library in Python was developed in KEKB accelerator control system, many programs has been written in Python. We have been developing, providing some tools and libraries for Python programming. Some of the recent developments in KEK are reported, and possible applications are also discussed. | ||
TOPB04 | Control System of the KEKB Accelerator Complex | 268 |
The KEKB asymmetric electron-positron collider complex consists of 8-GeV Linac, high-energy and low-energy rings. Some of the resources were inherited from the previous TRISTAN project, and also they are shared with Photon Factory and PF-AR light sources. In order to realize the long lifespan of the system de-facto and international standard technologies were employed since the early stage, which have been efficiently operated. Several gateway methods were implemented to integrate heterogeneous sub-systems, which are gradually converted into EPICS. Scripting languages are employed for higher-level applications. The ever-evolving control system has enabled flexible and reliable beam operations at KEKB throughout the long period. | ||
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WOAB04 | Web-Based Electronic Operation Log System Zlog System | 299 |
A Zope-based electronic operation logging system, named Zlog system, has been used since January 2004 at the KEKB and PF-AR accelerator facilities at KEK. Zope* is a Web content management system, which is based on several open source software components like Python and Postgresql. It enabled us to develop our Zlog in a short period, because the Zope system includes a development framework for Web application server. Zlog was introduced also to J-PARC/KEK-JAEA and RIBF/RIKEN, based on the experiences at KEKB and PF-AR. Zlog was proved to be quite portable even under different computer architectures. Zlog at KEKB accumulates about 1.5 million event entries so far, and images taken during the operation can be stored and viewed as well with entries. In this paper, we describe the present status and component details of the Zlog system.
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